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Show Notes

On this episode, Nicole and Rakhi discuss how St. John the Baptist, like many other saints, lived his unique identity to fulfill what he was anointed to do. They discuss how to lean into the ways in which we are “extra” and how to talk with our children about doing the same. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries. The PIME Missionaries are Catholic Priests and Brothers changing lives and sharing the merciful joy of Christ with those who need it most through the PIME Sponsorships at a Distance Program. Become a PIME Sponsor today and bring lasting change to the life of a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. Learn about the impact that you can have at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships

(2:22) Rakhi and Nicole discuss their weirdest food stories. Nicole connects these stories to the upcoming feast day for St. John the Baptist.

(6:48) Rakhi says that some of the carefree nature of summer seems to have changed, as kids are more anxious and concerned with blending in. She suggests that if St. John the Baptist had tried to blend in, we would not still be talking about him. Nicole says that we should encourage our kids to embrace their “extra” side. 

(9:44) Rakhi explains why she takes issue with the term “extra.” Nicole shares why she embraces the term.

(12:48) Rakhi discusses the challenge of talking to her kids about owning that God has made them good and about when to show their “extra.”

(14:33) Nicole says that St. John the Baptist is a great model for how we can be fully ourselves in a way that serves a great purpose, because his identity was intimately connected with his mission. Rakhi says that her family discusses what they are anointed to do. 

(17:15) Rakhi discusses how confidence comes from practicing resting in who we are and how she suggests using “mashed potato,” or comfort verses, to help repair any damage done by someone laughing at our weirdness. 

(19:14) Nicole says to talk to young children about mission in simple, relatable ways. Rakhi says that parents should embrace that how their children are perceived does not affect their (the parent’s) identity. 

(22:35) Nicole tells parents that, if they are the one in their home that feels “extra,” to take that to prayer to find where God wants it to be used. Rakhi says that so many saints were “extra,” so we are in good company. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries. The PIME Missionaries are Catholic Priests and Brothers changing lives and sharing the merciful joy of Christ with those who need it most through the PIME Sponsorships at a Distance Program. Become a PIME Sponsor today and bring lasting change to the life of a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. Learn about the impact that you can have at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships