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Show Notes

On this episode, Nicole and Rakhi discuss the major issues around sibling dynamics, including managing rowdy boys, handling big feelings, and channeling healthy competition. They share their own parenting challenges and their strategies for encouraging gratitude, sibling love, communication, and perspective. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries. The PIME Missionaries are Catholic Priests and Brothers changing lives and sharing the merciful joy of Christ with those who need it most through the PIME Sponsorships at a Distance Program. Become a PIME Sponsor today and bring lasting change to the life of a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. Learn about the impact that you can have at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships

(1:20) Rakhi shares that the Feasts of Sts. Peter and Paul are coming up, along with Independence Day, and the hosts talk about their feelings on fireworks. 

(3:54) Nicole brings up the topic of sibling rivalry, including the 3 major issues of dealing with rowdy boys, handling big feelings, and healthy competition. 

(6:32) Rakhi says that being a boy mom and the roughhousing involved is not her natural strength, and Nicole shares her rules for being a boy mom. 

(11:11) Nicole discusses how rough play is important for boys’ development. Rakhi says that she finds ways to manage her overwhelm around this rough play. 

(13:00) Rakhi says that with her daughter and with older kids, bickering is more of a challenge. She discusses how she tries to help her kids understand how much they need each other. 

(14:59) Nicole talks about how we can feel comfortable taking the filter off around family members, which means kids can say hurtful things to their siblings. She says you are not a failure as a parent if this happens, because it is normal, and the hosts discuss how kids may act up more when they feel safe, even if they don’t show it in public. 

(17:40) Rakhi discusses how parents can help their children identify and communicate their immediate needs but also encourage delayed gratification.

(19:20) Nicole discusses competitiveness and how we all want to do well and be affirmed for doing a good job. Rakhi says competitiveness and comparison go hand in hand. 

(21:27) The hosts discuss how fair doesn’t mean equal. Rakhi says that this topic can help with encouraging preferential treatment for the poor. Nicole ties it back to the topic of lasting happiness, and Rakhi ties it to gratitude and how love is unquantifiable. 

(25:19) Nicole says the challenge of the week is to have a time of sharing gratitude for each member of the family. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries. The PIME Missionaries are Catholic Priests and Brothers changing lives and sharing the merciful joy of Christ with those who need it most through the PIME Sponsorships at a Distance Program. Become a PIME Sponsor today and bring lasting change to the life of a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. Learn about the impact that you can have at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships