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Show Notes

On this episode, Rakhi and Nicole discuss the importance of cultivating devotion to Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist, especially during this time of National Eucharistic Revival in the Church. They highlight practical ways they have done this with their own children, and how they invite their children to grow in reverence while celebrating the liturgy. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries. The PIME Missionaries are Catholic Priests and Brothers changing lives and sharing the merciful joy of Christ with those who need it most through the PIME Sponsorships at a Distance Program. Become a PIME Sponsor today and bring lasting change to the life of a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. Learn about the impact that you can have at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships

(03:04) Our co-hosts discuss the upcoming Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus. They talk about the National Eucharistic Revival and the upcoming year focused on Eucharistic revival in our parishes. They talk about instilling a love for the Eucharist into their families and in the day-to-day.

(04:58) Rakhi notes that not everyone can spend extended time in Eucharistic adoration and they talk about what it will take to help people to believe in the real presence. They discuss the statistics that highlight skepticism, even among Catholics, surrounding belief in the real presence. Nicole mentions the I AM HERE campaign, which highlights peoples’ powerful Eucharistic testimonies. Rakhi shares how she has seen the impact of sharing Eucharistic miracles with her students and children. 

(10:44) They discuss the importance of cultivating this belief in the real presence within their families, and how doing so can inspire greater devotion and engagement during Mass. Nicole shares some practical resources she has found in The Picture Missal from Loyola Press and the Missal for Young Catholics

(14:48) They share from their own experiences and practical tips they have used to help usher their children into deeper engagement during the Mass, especially during the consecration and communion. They also highlight the importance of taking our kids to things like Eucharistic processions. 

(17:49) Rakhi offers encouragement to listeners to seek opportunities to participate in the liturgy outside of Sunday Mass, in order to align our actions with our actual belief in the real presence. She also highlights how inspiring reverence before the Eucharist and during Mass is important for our families and recommends the Anima Christi prayer by St. Thomas Aquinas. 

(20:55) They talk about how actions reflect our inner dispositions and why expressing reverence before the Eucharist shouldn’t be about drawing attention to ourselves, but about expressing the convictions of our hearts. They invite listeners to find a way to grow in appreciation for the Eucharist as a family this week.

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries. The PIME Missionaries are Catholic Priests and Brothers changing lives and sharing the merciful joy of Christ with those who need it most through the PIME Sponsorships at a Distance Program. Become a PIME Sponsor today and bring lasting change to the life of a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. Learn about the impact that you can have at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships