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Show Notes

In this episode, Nicole and Rakhi unpack how to address challenging, sensitive, or just plain mysterious topics with our kids by having fruitful conversations. They offer listeners an abundance of practical tips on how to effectively initiate and hold these conversations, in a way that will build a foundation of trust between us, as parents, and our kids. They also highlight the online tool, Compass, that parents can use to prepare for and support those kinds of conversations.

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries. The PIME Missionaries are Catholic Priests and Brothers changing lives and sharing the merciful joy of Christ with those who need it most through the PIME Sponsorships at a Distance Program. Become a PIME Sponsor today and bring lasting change to the life of a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. Learn about the impact that you can have at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships

(01:37) The episode begins with Rakhi wishing Nicole and her husband Russ a happy anniversary and they look to this Sunday’s celebration, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. They talk about the mysterious, life-giving nature of the Trinity. 

(06:48) They discuss the call we have as domestic churches to communicate the grace of the Trinity — the life shared between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They talk about the impulse we have as parents to find a simple formula or process to ensure our children remain faithful, but emphasize the importance of having fruitful conversations with them. They highlight the value in building a strong foundation of trust for our kids.

(09:16) They share how, as parents, we have to surrender our fears when it comes to raising children and how important it is to find a balance between spirituality and setting healthy, basic human boundaries with our children. They talk about how we need to express those boundaries, but also show our children that nothing they do will cause us to stop loving them; they also note how we can help our children understand that they don’t need to perform to earn our love.

(11:37) They direct listeners to Compass, a resource for Catholic parents, providing helpful information on a variety of topics parents will come across. They share practical advice on how to most effectively have challenging conversations about sensitive topics with our kids, emphasizing the importance of asking questions, employing active listening, being in a comfortable space, etc. 

(20:43) They also note that we can say when we don’t have the answer and/or reach out to other members of our community to weigh in on something. They offer some advice on how to best follow up on these kinds of conversations. 

(24:43) Nicole shares a time when she first asked her kids to share their thoughts on the Trinity and how meaningful their responses were. They discuss the importance of entertaining these conversations when  we are ready and in a good place mentally/emotionally to respond, and encourage listeners to find loving ways to postpone them, should they arise when they can’t effectively respond. 

(26:47) They remind listeners that they can invite other trusted adults to guide these conversations if their input would add value. They close the episode inviting listeners to use Compass as a tool to support and prepare for these conversations. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries. The PIME Missionaries are Catholic Priests and Brothers changing lives and sharing the merciful joy of Christ with those who need it most through the PIME Sponsorships at a Distance Program. Become a PIME Sponsor today and bring lasting change to the life of a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. Learn about the impact that you can have at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships