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Show Notes

Archbishop Vigneron discusses the shapes and sizes of the Catholic family and the privilege and responsibility a family has to strengthen their faith together.

(0:32)The Archbishop gives updates on his last month, including priestly ordinations, his personal retreat, and special Masses offered for police officers and firefighters. They discuss the grace that ordinations offer both the local Church and the Archbishop himself, who has the privilege of ordaining the men.

(9:01) Mary introduces this month’s topic, which is the Domestic Church. The Archbishop explains what “Domestic Church” really means, referring to the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Church and identifying the family as the Church in microcosm. He discusses the mission of the Domestic Church, the mission everyone has for their husband or wife, their children, and their parents.

(15:30) After discussing the varied changes the domestic church saw during the pandemic, the Archbishop addresses how clergy, single people, couples without children, and other forms of family that don’t match the “traditional” structure tie into the life of the domestic church. Mike, Mary, and the Archbishop also discuss what family looks like from a clergy perspective.

(22:01) Archbishop Vigneron reflects on the model of the Holy Family, especially in this Year of St. Joseph. Mary also introduces the Year of Amoris Laetitia that Pope Francis recently announced, and the Archbishop provides an overview of the apostolic exhortation’s main themes. Mary asks what an “Amoris Laetitia family” looks like, and the Archbishop responds that it’s a family focused on service.

(27:57) Mary asks what things a family can do to build up their domestic church and live it well. The Archbishop suggests praying together, sharing scripture, and engaging in acts of service as strong ways to begin. They also discuss the model of St. Joseph and the Holy Family, and why May is dedicated to Mary.

(35:11) The Archbishop talks about how devotions to the Blessed Mother, like praying a decade of the Rosary together every day, can help strengthen families as domestic churches. He also discusses the role of grandparents in the life of the family.

(39:33) Archbishop Vigneron answers questions from the faithful including what formation was like during the time of Vatican II, the Archbishop’s desert island sacramentals, and his favorite Marian feast. He asks for prayers for his leadership of the Church, and closes with prayer.

Links from this episode:

Year of St. Joseph

Year of the Family

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Constitution on the Church

World Meeting of Families 2022

Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity