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Show Notes

(00:39) Rakhi introduces the Epiphany as the topic for this week’s episode and shares her love for the Epiphany house blessing tradition. They talk about the liturgical meaning behind the Epiphany, share how their families and their parishes hold onto the Christmas spirit throughout the entire Christmas season.

(04:31) Rakhi shares her love for the “wonder” of the Epiphany and how her children receive spiritual gifts (medals, books, etc.) to commemorate the bringing of gifts to Jesus. They share what spiritual gifts they’ll offer back to Jesus throughout the new year. The two discuss other ways to enter into the celebration and encounter Jesus authentically in it.

(06:53) Rakhi shares a favorite song of hers that reminds her of Jesus’ desire for us to be close to him in his vulnerability. Nicole shares her love for adoration and how she and her family started making a weekly holy hour during Advent. She talks about how we can find ways to help our kids enter in, and embrace the imperfections of a holy hour or a brief visit to the chapel with little ones. She and Rakhi share tips on how to do this as a family.

(16:26) With adoration in mind, Rakhi encourages families to not be afraid to be present in the Church. They talk about how it can be difficult to feel like your kids are drawing attention in church or during prayer, but that our parishes are meant to be the community that embraces that reality — that families come with children.

(19:06) Nicole shares an experience she had of encouraging another mom who was too stressed to bring her kids to church and inviting her and her little ones to worship with her family. Rakhi highlights that Jesus doesn’t expect us to be perfect when we go to him, but he wants us to go to him.

(20:15) They discuss the reality of encountering Jesus in one another and the beauty of becoming living tabernacles when we receive Jesus in the Eucharist. They discuss the power of Jesus’ presence and the beauty of taking his presence beyond the walls of the Church; they share ideas of how families can practically do that — bring Christ to others.

(23:48) Rakhi and Nicole offer encouragement to listeners and encourage listeners within the Archdiocese of Detroit to find adoration opportunities at adorationfinder.org.