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St. Joseph Novena for Families

Nine days of reflections and consecration

Day 1: Pillar of Families


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

St. Joseph, you are the pillar of families. When someone is called a “pillar” it means that they are reliable and supportive, much like a pillar that holds up a building. You helped raise Jesus in difficult situations, taking him to unknown places, yet also showing love to him and his mother. Help us look to your example. Pray for our family today and always.

Faithful St. Joseph, we entrust our family into your fatherly care. Help our family to be a beacon of faith in our neighborhood, workplaces, schools, parish, and world. Today, we ask that you pray for our family:

  • That we may grow closer to Jesus and one another.
  • That we may have trust in God’s plan, especially when times are tough.
  • [Name any specific intentions your family may have at this time.]

St. Joseph, Pillar of Families, pray for us.


*Memorare to St. Joseph: Remember, O most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, that you always answer those who seek your help and intercession. Full of confidence in your power, we come to you and beg your protection. Confiding in your goodness, we come before you, O Guardian of the Redeemer, hear our humble prayers and in your generosity graciously receive them. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

*Adapted from Memorare of St. Joseph and Memorare to St. Joseph | EWTN


Day 2: Spouse of Mary and Foster-Father of Jesus


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

St. Joseph, you were the earthly father of Jesus and Mary’s husband, and you faithfully carried out your duties to them, helping them be who God called them to be. Some people only think about themselves, but you put Mary and Jesus first and cared for their needs before your own This can be difficult in a family. Help us to be more like you and think of the needs of others before our own.

Faithful St. Joseph, we entrust our family into your fatherly care. Help our family to be a beacon of faith in our neighborhood, workplaces, schools, parish, and world. Today, we ask that you pray for our family:

  • That we may grow closer to Jesus and one another.
  • That we may have trust in God’s plan, especially when times are tough.
  • [Name any specific intentions your family may have at this time.]

St. Joseph, Spouse of Mary, pray for us. St. Joseph, Foster-Father of Jesus, pray for us.


Memorare to St. Joseph: Remember, O most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, that you always answer those who seek your help and intercession. Full of confidence in your power, we come to you and beg your protection. Confiding in your goodness, we come before you, O Guardian of the Redeemer, hear our humble prayers and in your generosity graciously receive them. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Day 3: Mirror of Patience


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

St. Joseph, you are the mirror of patience. You did not instantly know all the details of God’s plan for you and your family, but you patiently waited for him to reveal them to you. We find ourselves waiting at times too—for our turn, a package to arrive, a special date on the calendar, test results, or knowing God’s plan in our lives—but you model for us how to be patient in that. It can feel as if our patience is tested, sometimes regularly, by other family members, co-workers, friends, or those with whom we interact. Help us to be patient with one another.

Faithful St. Joseph, we entrust our family into your fatherly care. Help our family to be a beacon of faith in our neighborhood, workplaces, schools, parish, and world. Today, we ask that you pray for our family:

  • That we may grow closer to Jesus and one another.
  • That we may have trust in God’s plan, especially when times are tough.
  • That we each may have an increase in the virtue of patience.
  • [Name any specific intentions your family may have at this time.]

St. Joseph, Mirror of Patience, pray for us.


Memorare to St. Joseph: Remember, O most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, that you always answer those who seek your help and intercession. Full of confidence in your power, we come to you and beg your protection. Confiding in your goodness, we come before you, O Guardian of the Redeemer, hear our humble prayers and in your generosity graciously receive them. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Day 4: Comfort of the Afflicted


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

St. Joseph, you are the comfort of the afflicted. You comforted Mary and Jesus in times of sorrow and fear. You supported them emotionally and spiritually. There are days when our family needs this kind of support too. Comfort us in times of anxiety and stress and help us to be compassionate and comforting to each other when things get tough.

Faithful St. Joseph, we entrust our family into your fatherly care. Help our family to be a beacon of faith in our neighborhood, workplaces, schools, parish, and world. Today, we ask that you pray for our family:

  • That we may grow closer to Jesus and one another.
  • That we may have trust in God’s plan, especially when times are tough.
  • That we each may grow in the virtue of compassion.
  • [Name any specific intentions your family may have at this time.]

St. Joseph, Comfort of the Afflicted, pray for us.


Memorare to St. Joseph: Remember, O most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, that you always answer those who seek your help and intercession. Full of confidence in your power, we come to you and beg your protection. Confiding in your goodness, we come before you, O Guardian of the Redeemer, hear our humble prayers and in your generosity graciously receive them. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Day 5: Most Just


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

St. Joseph, you are most just. To be “just” means to be fair and to make the right decisions. You opened yourself up totally to God. You were a man of honesty, integrity, and virtue—a righteous man—treating others with dignity, love, and respect. We know that does not come naturally; it comes from a commitment to do what is right. Help us desire and do what is right in God’s eyes.

Faithful St. Joseph, we entrust our family into your fatherly care. Help our family to be a beacon of faith in our neighborhood, workplaces, schools, parish, and world. Today, we ask that you pray for our family:

  • That we may grow closer to Jesus and one another.
  • That we may have trust in God’s plan, especially when times are tough.
  • That we may be just in our interactions with one another as well as others.
  • [Name any specific intentions your family may have at this time.]

St. Joseph, Most Just, pray for us.


Memorare to St. Joseph: Remember, O most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, that you always answer those who seek your help and intercession. Full of confidence in your power, we come to you and beg your protection. Confiding in your goodness, we come before you, O Guardian of the Redeemer, hear our humble prayers and in your generosity graciously receive them. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Day 6: Most Courageous


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

St. Joseph, you are most courageous. We hear examples in Scripture of times you showed courage and did what was right and needed. Courage, sometimes referred to as fortitude, helps us overcome obstacles as well as fears. It can be bold and obvious; at other times it is a quiet calm that propels us forward. People have lots of different fears: fear of the dark, fear of getting sick, fear of rejection, fear of measuring up to others, etc., but God does not want us to be afraid. St. Joseph, help us to face our fears with courage.

Faithful St. Joseph, we entrust our family into your fatherly care. Help our family to be a beacon of faith in our neighborhood, workplaces, schools, parish, and world. Today, we ask that you pray for our family:

  • That we may grow closer to Jesus and one another.
  • That we may have trust in God’s plan, especially when times are tough.
  • That we each may be more courageous.
  • That we may courageously be witnesses to Jesus Christ in our words as well as our deeds.
  • [Name any specific intentions your family may have at this time.]

St. Joseph, Most Courageous, pray for us.


Memorare to St. Joseph: Remember, O most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, that you always answer those who seek your help and intercession. Full of confidence in your power, we come to you and beg your protection. Confiding in your goodness, we come before you, O Guardian of the Redeemer, hear our humble prayers and in your generosity graciously receive them. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Day 7: Most Obedient


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

St. Joseph, you are most obedient. You had a plan for what your life would look like as a carpenter, husband, and father, yet, you followed God’s commands, which most likely looked different than what you imagined. We can struggle with obedience to those within our family or those outside of it, but God puts people in our lives to guide us and keep us safe. Obedience is not a loss of freedom but a way to demonstrate our love to God and to those who guide us.

Faithful St. Joseph, we entrust our family into your fatherly care. Help our family to be a beacon of faith in our neighborhood, workplaces, schools, parish, and world. Today, we ask that you pray for our family:

  • That we may grow closer to Jesus and one another.
  • That we may have trust in God’s plan, especially when times are tough.
  • That we may grow in obedience and trust of God, especially when we face obstacles.
  • [Name any specific intentions your family may have at this time.]

St. Joseph, Most Obedient, pray for us.


Memorare to St. Joseph: Remember, O most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, that you always answer those who seek your help and intercession. Full of confidence in your power, we come to you and beg your protection. Confiding in your goodness, we come before you, O Guardian of the Redeemer, hear our humble prayers and in your generosity graciously receive them. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Day 8: Most Faithful


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

St. Joseph, you are most faithful. This faith was shown through your total trust in God. You had faith that God was directing you to take Mary as your wife and to care for the child, Jesus. You had faith that Jesus was God, even though he looked like an ordinary child. You had faith in God when Jesus was in danger and you had to flee to Egypt. You had faith that God would help you provide for and protect your family. Pray that our family can have the same kind of faith that you did.

Faithful St. Joseph, we entrust our family into your fatherly care. Help our family to be a beacon of faith in our neighborhood, workplaces, schools, parish, and world. Today, we ask that you pray for our family:

  • That we may grow closer to Jesus and one another.
  • That we may have trust in God’s plan, especially when times are tough.
  • That we may have faith like you and that we can cherish it as a valuable gift.
  • [Name any specific intentions your family may have at this time.]

St. Joseph, Most Faithful, pray for us.


Memorare to St. Joseph: Remember, O most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, that you always answer those who seek your help and intercession. Full of confidence in your power, we come to you and beg your protection. Confiding in your goodness, we come before you, O Guardian of the Redeemer, hear our humble prayers and in your generosity graciously receive them. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Day 9: Glory of Domestic Life


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

St. Joseph, you are the glory of domestic life. You are the example of how to establish a household that is centered on God. You lived the daily rhythm of family life as part of the Holy Family. You know how the everyday opportunities of sharing, forgiving, laughing together and listening are all opportunities to grow in holiness. Grace transforms the natural into the supernatural. These grace-filled moments are how the domestic Church makes disciples.

Faithful St. Joseph, we entrust our family into your fatherly care. Help our family to be a beacon of faith in our neighborhood, workplaces, schools, parish, and world. Today, we ask that you pray for our family:

  • That we may grow closer to Jesus and one another.
  • That we may have trust in God’s plan, especially when times are tough.
  • That we may have the grace to build the domestic Church in our home, always striving to grow as disciples.
  • [Name any specific intentions your family may have at this time.]

St. Joseph, Glory of Domestic Life, pray for us.


Memorare to St. Joseph: Remember, O most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, that you always answer those who seek your help and intercession. Full of confidence in your power, we come to you and beg your protection. Confiding in your goodness, we come before you, O Guardian of the Redeemer, hear our humble prayers and in your generosity graciously receive them. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.