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Lenten Family Prayer Challenge

3/2/22 – 4/14/22

En Español

“The family who prays together, stays together.” – Venerable Patrick Peyton

This Lent, commit to a prayer challenge that will not only help your family grow in the habit of prayer and but also have fun along the way! The challenge includes a game board that has 40 unique prayer challenges for each day of Lent. Your family can choose which one to do each day to complete the board.

 This year’s prayer challenge is the first of three ways the Archdiocese of Detroit will be preparing for the celebration of the World Meeting of Families, which will be held in Rome in June of 2022 and broadcast worldwide. In place of the usual public worldwide gathering of families, the Vatican is strongly encouraging that all dioceses engage families to celebrate at the local level with formation, prayer, and fellowship. This prayer challenge is an opportunity for your family to join with families all over the world to grow and strengthen the domestic Church.

Sign up below to receive the prayer challenge via email. You can view it in either English or Spanish. You will also receive emails of encouragement throughout the Lenten season with additional information and fun content to enliven your Lenten journey. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow closer to God and each other this Lenten season!