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Show Notes

Archbishop Vigneron discusses the kerygma – the simple, radical, joyful message of the Gospel – and how we can share it in our parishes and families.

1:00 – Archbishop speaks for a few moments about the good work being done both locally and nationally in support of the Walking with Moms in Need initiative.

2:25 – Mary asks Archbishop if there’s a particular prayer that’s been on his heart during Lent. Archbishop tells of how he’s focused on letting God the Father teach him how to be His son.

4:06 – Archbishop Vigneron speaks about his favorite aspects of Holy Week and the Easter Triduum, highlighting the blessing of oils during the Chrism Mass and baptizing new Catholics at the Easter Vigil.

9:02 – Our hosts discuss the kerygma: what it is, what it means for Catholics, and how we can share this Good News of Jesus Christ with others.

17:00 – Mike asks Archbishop to discuss how the kerygma is a key component of our work of evangelization and unleashing the Gospel.

20:08 – Archbishop speaks about how prayer can be an effective route to internalizing the message of the kerygma.

24:50 – Archbishop, Mike and Mary talk about how parents have a special role to play in sharing the kerygma with their children and how the Church can support that work.

30:00 – The hosts talk about how all the work of the Church, and of Catholics—no matter how ordinary or mundane—must be imbued with the Holy Spirit and support the work of evangelization.

36:05 – Mary asks Archbishop if there was a time in his life when he felt especially compelled by the Holy Spirit to entrust himself to Jesus.

38:00 – Mike, Mary and Archbishop Vigneron talk about how the Holy Spirit works differently in each person, but always with the same goal of bringing each of us into a deeper and fuller relationship with Christ.

40:00 – Mary asks Archbishop to share some practical ways in which Catholics can share the message of the kerygma.

44:53 – Mary announces the temporary pause of the listener questions segment while the Eyes on Jesus team thinks of new and creative ways to gather questions. In the meantime, anyone who has a question can still email eyesonjesuspodcast@aod.org with their first name, parish, and question to have it featured on an upcoming episode.

45:45 – The episode concludes with a prayer and blessing.