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Show Notes

 On this episode, Nicole and Rakhi discuss the meaning of stewardship, including giving of our “time, talents, and treasure” – and beyond. They share the importance of offering what we have to support the mission of the Church and how to involve the whole family in being good stewards.

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries. The PIME Missionaries are Catholic Priests and Brothers changing lives and sharing the merciful joy of Christ with those who need it most through the PIME Sponsorships at a Distance Program. Become a PIME Sponsor today and bring lasting change to the life of a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. Learn about the impact that you can have at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships

(2:00) The hosts open the show by discussing their unusual talents. 

(3:12) Rakhi says that this episode explores what it means to make an offering of ourselves to God as members of the body of Christ, and the hosts discuss what it means to be a good steward. 

(6:23) Rakhi says that the question today is how to shift our perspective to see that giving at church is just an extension of how we live as family or in our community. Nicole says that this is related to how we believe that love is sacrifice and we are called into authentic relationship. She says it’s not about checking all the boxes of giving our “time, talent, and treasure.”

(9:00) Rakhi says that it is incumbent on parishes to have multiple ways for people to be engaged without making a huge commitment.

(12:34) Rakhi says that the church was set up so that those who could give would give so that the whole church could function. She says the heart of stewardship is how we care for the whole community and to support the church in reaching out in works of mercy. 

(15:00) Rakhi says that having excess income could be taken to prayer to determine where that money could go to something at the parish. 

(16:00) Nicole and Rakhi discuss ways to have kids give of their time, and Nicole suggests thanking your kids when they do things that contribute to the household and praising them for the talents they have. 

(19:20) Nicole suggests encouraging some tithing or almsgiving when kids are little.

(22:00) Nicole says the challenge this week is to talk and pray about where God is calling you and your family to be a steward.

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries. The PIME Missionaries are Catholic Priests and Brothers changing lives and sharing the merciful joy of Christ with those who need it most through the PIME Sponsorships at a Distance Program. Become a PIME Sponsor today and bring lasting change to the life of a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. Learn about the impact that you can have at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships