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Show Notes

On this episode, Nicole and Rakhi discuss how to talk about the transfiguration with children, as well as how God reveals His divine presence in the world. They share how to make a practice of seeing the divinity within ourselves and others to stay rooted in Christ.

Does your bank make you feel like you belong there? At Alliance Catholic Credit Union, you are a member of a financial institution that serves the Catholic community, providing you with an opportunity to align your banking with your Catholic identity. You receive all the products and services you need to manage your money, and your membership helps support Catholic schools, parishes and organizations. It’s time to put your money where your faith is. Visit Alliancecatholic.com to get started today. Service. Community. Catholic. Alliance Catholic Credit Union, federally insured by the NCUA.

(3:33) Nicole says they will talk about how to discuss the transfiguration with children and how God might be revealing his divine presence in the world today, in honor of the upcoming feast day.

(6:40) Nicole discusses how she tells children Jesus is both fully God and fully man.

(7:45) Rakhi says that she likes to talk about training the brain to see how God reveals his divine presence in the world. She discusses how to help our children make a habit of looking for God where they are.

(10:00) Rakhi discusses being transformed in who you are in the world by the transfiguration. Nicole talks about realizing that God is always in every moment, and Rakhi adds that we need to stay aware of the divine presence in all people.

(14:10) Nicole says that our words are a way to bring God into the world. The hosts discuss how we reveal God by being created in his image, and Nicole says it is a violation of humility to deny your own worth and God’s image in yourself.

(17:00) Rakhi ties the discussion back to a story of St. Peter and how it tells us that our very being should be “eyewitnesses of His majesty.” Nicole says this relates to how the Eucharist allows us to literally bring Jesus into our bodies and out into the world. 

(19:10) The hosts discuss how challenging it is to be vigilant of what media and content we are taking in and how that impacts how we are rooted to Christ and affirming the dignity of others.

(23:00) Nicole shares how she has trained her kids to be reverent during the transfiguration at Mass. Rakhi suggests that parents work with their kids to make that part of Mass especially sacred.

Does your bank make you feel like you belong there? At Alliance Catholic Credit Union, you are a member of a financial institution that serves the Catholic community, providing you with an opportunity to align your banking with your Catholic identity. You receive all the products and services you need to manage your money, and your membership helps support Catholic schools, parishes and organizations. It’s time to put your money where your faith is. Visit Alliancecatholic.com to get started today. Service. Community. Catholic. Alliance Catholic Credit Union, federally insured by the NCUA.