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Show Notes

In this episode, Rakhi and Nicole chat about all things Thanksgiving, from the theological to the practical. Listen as they unpack some of the theology of the Eucharist, how to approach the difficulties that can accompany family gatherings graciously, and how to make the most of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend as a family. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Mission Development Projects Program. This Advent, share the joy of the birth of Christ by educating children living in desperate conditions, feeding abandoned babies, or providing a safe learning space for disabled children. Learn how you can change lives at pimeusa.org/52-projects.

(01:42) Rakhi and Nicole chat about Blessed Solanus Casey in anticipation of the anniversary of his beatification, in addition to the Thanksgiving season and the theme of gratitude. They talk about having a posture of gratitude through all circumstances and remaining rooted in the joy of Christ. 

(09:13) Nicole shares the idea of practicing daily gratitude by writing blessings down and recommends adopting the practice during Advent. They discuss the connection between the Eucharist and thanksgiving and how to approach the Mass with gratitude with small practices. They talk about some of the theology of the Eucharist.

(13:07) They move on to discuss family gatherings and how to maintain an attitude of gratitude in family gatherings that might come with difficult relationships. They encourage preparing for tough conversations and choosing to love and seek the good in our family members. 

(15:06) They talk about the rush to Christmas that seems to always follow Thanksgiving and how to aim to be intentional about enjoying the Thanksgiving weekend and maintaining an attitude of gratitude throughout the Advent season that follows. 

(18:49) They introduce this week’s challenge to listeners, encouraging them to do the family gratitude prayer exercise for this week found on 52sundays.com. They make recommendations on how to adapt it for your kids and what to expect. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Mission Development Projects Program. This Advent, share the joy of the birth of Christ by educating children living in desperate conditions, feeding abandoned babies, or providing a safe learning space for disabled children. Learn how you can change lives at pimeusa.org/52-projects.