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Show Notes

Rakhi and Nicole provide practical insights for entering the new liturgical year as parents during the upcoming Advent season, discussing the balance between stillness and holiday busyness. The duo addresses the complexities of consolation and desolation in the spiritual journey, offering encouragement to lean on Jesus honestly during challenges. They encourage listeners to lay their burdens at Jesus’ feet during this season of hope and to commit to one specific commitment during Advent.

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Mission Development Projects Program. This Advent, share the joy of the birth of Christ by educating children living in desperate conditions, feeding abandoned babies, or providing a safe learning space for disabled children. Learn how you can change lives at pimeusa.org/52-projects.

(02:05) Rakhi and Nicole discuss the links between our Catholic faith and superheroes as we approach the upcoming celebration of the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. They talk about how they celebrate this solemnity.

(06:04) Acknowledging that Advent is right around the corner, they discuss how they can practically enter into the liturgical season, which commences a new liturgical year. They then shift to talking about and sharing suggestions on how to prepare internally — how to prepare space in our hearts for Jesus to come.

(11:06) They discuss the reality that the stillness we are invited into during Advent doesn’t have to be inactive and how to balance the stillness with the busyness of the holiday season. They talk about how to realistically incorporate prayer throughout the day to remain connected to God and the need to “tell Jesus what you want.”

(15:29) They talk about how times of consolation and desolation with the Lord differ and how to navigate those shifts and changes in our spiritual life. They also note how the holidays can bring up grief and highlight hardship, encouraging listeners to lean on Jesus in those challenges.

(17:25) They talk about the need to be real with Jesus, and Nicole shares a powerful prayer analogy offered by Catholic speaker Mari Pablo at a previous Engaging the Young Church Conference. They emphasize the need to relate to Jesus honestly, especially in the midst of suffering or dry seasons of prayer.

(20:20) Rakhi talks about how Advent is a time of hope, placed in a dark season, and challenges listeners to lay all of the things that weigh heavily on us at the feet of Jesus and anticipate God’s goodness during this season of waiting. They also encourage listeners to look for how Christ is present in their lives.

(22:43) They propose this week’s challenge to decide on one thing to commit to preparing your heart as a parent during Advent. They challenge listeners to consider what the Lord is asking right now and commit to that one thing.

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Mission Development Projects Program. This Advent, share the joy of the birth of Christ by educating children living in desperate conditions, feeding abandoned babies, or providing a safe learning space for disabled children. Learn how you can change lives at pimeusa.org/52-projects.