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Show Notes

Ave Maria Radio producer Melissa Florian shares how the Lord healed her of addiction and gave her a hunger for the Eucharist instead

(0:07) Fr. Patrick and Emily catch up and discuss their excitement for spring and the month of May, and what graces have been flowing in their lives. They also discuss a possible ODP field trip soon!

(5:06) Fr. Patrick then introduces this episode’s guest, Melissa Florian, a producer at Ave Maria Radio. She shares a little bit about her background and home parish and her connection to a few parishes in Detroit.

(9:04) Melissa talks about growing up the youngest of six, the effect her parents’ divorce had on her faith life, and the kind of friends she had and time she spent before truly encountering Christ.

(15:33) She then discusses the cleansing power she felt from the Lord, how he healed her of her addiction, and the desire and hunger she felt for the Eucharist in its place.

(19:36) Melissa offers a prayer for all those who want to desire the Eucharist more, that the Holy Spirit come upon them and bring them that gift. She then talks about her work now with Ave Maria Radio, about the movement of the Holy Spirit in so many facets of her career, and what drew her to radio initially.

(28:24) Emily asks how Melissa continues to praise God and witness to her faith today, and Melissa responds with her efforts to always talk with the everyday brothers and sisters she encounters, and she talks about her petition to God that he make her mouth his mouthpiece.

(31:14) Fr. Patrick asks what dreams the Lord has been putting on Melissa’s heart lately, and she shares her hopes to help others who are bound by addiction and to reach those who are hidden from society and show them the love of God.

(35:12) Melissa closes in a prayer.

Links from this episode:

Touchdown Jesus

Ave Maria Radio

Epiphany – Ave Maria Radio