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Show Notes

Adolescents and young adults—our young Church—have a particular call to holiness: “What’s next?” In this month’s episode, our hosts join Archbishop Vigneron to reflect and offer guidance to young disciples as they discern God’s will for their lives. 

0:10 – Our hosts greet each other and catch up on the past month.  

1:36 – Archbishop Vigneron shares some thoughts on his recent pilgrimage to Lourdes in France and the recently-dedicated Lourdes Grotto at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Detroit.  

4:17 – Mike Chamberland asks Archbishop Vigneron about Bishop Gerard Battersby’s recent departure from Detroit and installation as Bishop of La Crosse, Wisconsin.  

5:23 – Mary Wilkerson asks Archbishop Vigneron about the upcoming National Eucharistic Congress and the four local Eucharistic Congresses recently held across the Archdiocese of Detroit.  

8:16 – Mary asks Archbishop Vigneron about Eucharistic processions and the tradition of carrying the Eucharist through the streets on Corpus Christi.  

10:49 – Mary introduces this month’s main topic by asking Archbishop what age range the Church means when speaking of “the young Church.” 

13:28 – Archbishop Vigneron shares some pastoral guidance for how young people can respond to the universal call to holiness.  

16:45 – Mary, Mike, and Archbishop Vigneron discuss how young people, especially adolescents, can work to overcome the pressures by secular society to turn away from God and a life of faith.  

22:19 – Mary brings up the growth of young adult and campus ministries in the Archdiocese of Detroit.  

24:49 – Mary, Mike, and Archbishop Vigneron share some of their favorite young saints, including Pier Giorgio Frassati, Bernadette of Lourdes, Maria Goretti, and soon-to-be-canonized Carlo Acutis.  

30:59 – Mary, Mike, and Archbishop Vigneron share stories of young people they’ve known who have lived out the universal call to holiness in extraordinary and inspiring ways.  

35:41 – Mary asks about the impact of World Youth Day.  

39:23 – Mike asks Archbishop Vigneron for his advice to young people.  

45:55 – Archbishop Vigneron answers listener questions about dealing with those who deny our beliefs, how far back to confess sins, and our belief in Mary as an everlasting virgin. 

52:19 – Archbishop Vigneron shares his prayer intentions for the month and closes the episode with a blessing.