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Show Notes

Paul Duda, Creative Director of the Communications Department of the Archdiocese of Detroit talks with Fr. Steve and Danielle about the timelessness of art, the creative process and how important it is to open one’s heart to God.

Rapid Fire Questions and Discussion

Paul shares his love for biscuits and gravy and his powerful experience with God in a Honda Civic.


Paul traces his story from military school to studying art and film at John Paul the Great Catholic University, how he met his wife Jamie and through her learned that God’s love is beyond anything we can fathom.

After living in Los Angeles, a trip to visit friends in Detroit ultimately led Paul to work for the Communications department of the Archdiocese of Detroit as Creative Director.

Unleashing the Gospel

Danielle asks Paul about marrying the traditions of the Church with the times we’re in now. He calls Catholic/Christian artists to remember that we are connected in the pain and challenges of the human experience, but we are also called to the resurrection of Christ!

Fr. Steve goes on to ask if art is objective or subjective and Paul wonders if something objectively ugly can still be called art. Entering in, Danielle reminds us of St. Maximilian Kolbe’s words that “love alone creates”.


Paul reminds us to take care of ourselves and listen to God and what He’s asking us to do.

Episode Summary