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Show Notes

Have you ever gone on a pilgrimage? What is a pilgrimage? Archbishop Vigneron joins co-hosts Mike Chamberland and Mary Wilkerson to discuss what it means to go on a pilgrimage, their favorite pilgrimage sites, and how to go on a pilgrimage without ever leaving the Archdiocese of Detroit. 

0:17 – Archbishop Vigneron, Mary, and Mike greet each other and catch up on the past month, including Archbishop Vigneron’s keynote presentation on the Eucharist at a conference hosted by Ave Maria University. 

5:01 – Mary asks Archbishop Vigneron to remind listeners about the National Eucharistic Revival and National Eucharistic Congress, as well as some local initiatives in support of these efforts.  

7:38 – Mike asks Archbishop Vigneron how he’ll be observing Lent this year.  

10:06 – Archbishop Vigneron reflects on the recent celebration of the World Day of the Sick and the passing of longtime Detroit priest, Monsignor Daniel Trapp.  

12:39 – Mary introduces this month’s topic, pilgrimages, and asks Archbishop Vigneron to explain what a pilgrimage is, how it differs from a vacation, and the history of pilgrimages in Catholicism.  

18:55 – Mike asks Archbishop Vigneron about some pilgrimage locations that are distinctly Catholic and about some of his personal favorite pilgrimage locations.  

23:19 – Mike and Mary share some of their personal pilgrimage stories.  

26:39 – Archbishop Vigneron shares some pilgrimage sites in southeast Michigan.  

31:07 – Archbishop Vigneron introduces the Archdiocese of Detroit’s newest pilgrimage experience at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacraments: “Journey with the Saints.” 

32:58 – Archbishop Vigneron answers listener questions about loving people while not approving of their choices, his favorite activity, and his favorite subject in school growing up. 

40:25 – Archbishop Vigneron shares his prayer intentions for the month and closes the episode with a prayer and blessing.