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Show Notes

Archbishop Vigneron discusses Evangelical Charity and our call as Catholics to keep Jesus at the center of our good works so that we satisfy not just physical needs, but spiritual thirsts as well.

(0:22) Mike, Mary, and Archbishop Vigneron catch up on the last month. The Archbishop offers encouragement for a new school year, and he shares practical ways we in the Archdiocese of Detroit can contribute to the crises in Haiti and Afghanistan.

(6:20) Mary introduces this episode’s topic: evangelical charity. Archbishop Vigneron offers an overview of what exactly the virtue of charity is and what it means to describe charity as being evangelical. He shares how the decision to “rebrand” Christian service into evangelical charity developed from the call from Synod 16 to focus more clearly on our mission and the need to do good works with the Holy Spirit’s involvement.

(12:04) The Archbishop discusses the role of the Office of Evangelical Charity in enabling organizations to be renewed and refocused on the mission of announcing God in our communities. He talks, too, about Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan and the works they perform in Detroit.

(18:48) The Archbishop also recognizes St. Vincent De Paul Societies within parishes who are instrumental in mobilizing the works of mercy as well. Mary asks Archbishop Vigneron to explain more about the corporal works of mercy, and he shares each of the seven works and why they’re so pivotal to our faith. The three also discuss Mercy in Action Day of Service and how people can get involved.

(24:49) Archbishop Vigneron offers advice for how people can live the works of mercy out well in their daily lives, beginning with discernment and prayer, and leading to an opportunity to share testimony. Mike and Mary also examine the ways we can open ourselves everyday to find the opportunities to serve one another.

(35:05) Mary and Mike share questions from the faithful with the Archbishop, including whether he ever considered a religious order, what a nuncio is and does, and the last good book he read. They then close with a blessing.

Links from this episode:

Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan

Mercy in Action Day

Evangelical Charity Finder

Office of Evangelical Charity

Adoration Finder

Mass Finder

The Idea of a University