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Show Notes

In conjunction with the release of his new pastoral note The Power of the Word of God, Archbishop Vigneron reflects on the Church’s teaching on Sacred Scripture and the graces and wisdom it holds for our lives.

(0:32) Archbishop reflects on the different nature of this Advent and Christmas season prepared to most, and what the beginning of the new year brings. Mike, Mary, and Archbishop discuss the March for Life in Washington DC that would usually be happening and the alternative ways people are supporting the pro-life mission from home.

(12:06) Mike introduces the Archbishop’s new pastoral note on Scripture, The Power of the Word of God, which was released Sunday, January 24th, which is this year’s commemoration of the Sunday of the Word of God, established by Pope Francis.

(15:24) Archbishop Vigneron gives an overview of what the Catholic Church teaches about Scripture, specifically that the Bible has two authors: the human author and the divine author, and the relationship between the Scripture and the liturgy.

(20:34) Mike and Mary share their relationships with sacred Scripture as well, and the three reflect on Archbishop’s call to the faithful to be renewed in zeal of the Scripture and to teach it, even to the very young.

(25:10) After Mary shares her family’s experience sharing and studying the Scripture at home with 52 Sundays, Archbishop Vigneron asks her and Mike how they see the Holy Spirit coming to the hearts of their children through the Scripture.

(29:58) Archbishop shares the meaning of his reference to Scripture as a “dialogue of love,” sharing how important it is to God that we enter into conversation with him through the sacred Scriptures. Mike also addresses the pastoral note acknowledging that we need to not only read the Scripture, but also respond to it.

(32:10) Archbishop discusses the practice of Lectio Divina, what it is, how it has affected his life, and how it can help us engage in “response” to the Scriptures, rather than just passive study.

(40:43) Mary mentions Pope Francis’s establishing the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time as ‘Sunday of the Word of God,’ and Archbishop Vigneron reflects on what this distinction means, and how it transitions us between the celebration of the Lord’s birth in Christmas through to the celebration of his Passion during Lent and Easter.

(43:10) Archbishop shares some of his favorite Scripture passages and the effect the Word of God had on his education and priestly formation.

(52:00) Mary and Mike share questions from the faithful with the Archbishop, including some practical Families of Parishes questions, a question of progress in the archdiocese since Unleash the Gospel was published, which saint or pope Archbishop would have dinner with, and how to approach brothers and sisters who struggle with deviating from the Church.

(1:04:54) Archbishop shares prayer intentions and closes the podcast with a blessing.