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Show Notes

On this episode of Beyond Sunday, Nicole and Rakhi discuss how to discern when to say yes, when to say no, and how to change course when necessary. They share that being clear about our motivations can help us to know when the Lord is calling us to change due to new circumstances and encourage us to get clear on our explanations for the decisions we make. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries’ Sponsorships at a Distance Program. This school year, become a PIME Sponsor to give the gift of an education to a student in an isolated mission-country, and break the cycle of poverty for a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. See how you can support a student in need at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships.

(1:40) Rakhi discusses the feast days in October and the hosts share stories about animals and their pets in light of the Feast of St. Francis. 

(6:43) Rakhi says the topic this week is how we sometimes agree to things without considering our capacity for them and then feel we can’t change our minds.

(9:18) Rakhi and Nicole discuss the idea of letting your yes mean yes and no mean no. 

(11:28) Nicole says that we should be in ongoing discernment about house rules and commitments, considering when we should shift our way of thinking.

(13:30) Rakhi says that we can model to our children how to be a person of integrity when we change our minds due to new circumstances or information, being open to how the Lord is moving. She says we also need to consider our motivations and work on silencing our people pleasing tendencies.

(15:40) The hosts discuss being able to explain why we make the decisions we make.

(18:45) Rakhi says we need to know how to explain how our family does things differently from other families. 

(23:41) Nicole says the challenges this week are to bless your pets and to take time during the week to consider what is working for your family, what your call is as a family, and where you might need to change course. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries’ Sponsorships at a Distance Program. This school year, become a PIME Sponsor to give the gift of an education to a student in an isolated mission-country, and break the cycle of poverty for a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. See how you can support a student in need at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships.