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Show Notes

On this episode of Beyond Sunday, Rakhi and Nicole discuss how to be fruitful as a family as we strive to live virtuously. They dig into how to be fruitful in the areas of labor, leisure, and love and how to identify when what we are doing is bearing good fruit – and when it’s not. They share daily exercises for reflection to build a practice of aligning ourselves with the fruits of the spirit. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries’ Sponsorships at a Distance Program. This school year, become a PIME Sponsor to give the gift of an education to a student in an isolated mission-country, and break the cycle of poverty for a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. See how you can support a student in need at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships.

(1:44) Rakhi and Nicole discuss their favorite fruits. 

(3:24) Rakhi shares this week’s gospel from Matthew 21:43 and asks what it means to be fruitful as a family in the kingdom of God.

(4:51) Rakhi shares the other scripture for the weekend, Philippians 4:6-9, tying it to the concept of bearing good fruit. 

(6:24) Nicole discusses the concept of showing excellence in living in virtue and how to be fruitful in our labor, leisure, and love. 

(8:44) Rakhi and Nicole discuss being fruitful in our labor and say that we labor with love because we labor for the love of Jesus. 

(10:19) The hosts discuss being fruitful in our leisure. Rakhi says that leisure should be restorative, which involves discernment about what we are doing and consuming in our leisure time.

(13:35) They discuss being fruitful in our love as we look for the fruits of the spirit. Rakhi says that we are responsible for our reactions and for looking at what God is rooting out of us when we have unloving reactions to difficult situations.

(15:48) Nicole suggests using a lens of looking for the fruit and ending the day with a reflection of where the fruits of your labor, leisure, and love were that day.

(16:57) Nicole shares that the challenge of the week is to try the Family Examen from 52sundays.com to reflect together.

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries’ Sponsorships at a Distance Program. This school year, become a PIME Sponsor to give the gift of an education to a student in an isolated mission-country, and break the cycle of poverty for a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. See how you can support a student in need at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships.