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Show Notes

In the inaugural edition of Open Door Policy “mini-sodes,” listen to some of our favorite moments from past shows, where guests share why they love the Eucharist and how it has changed their lives. Hear how Sr. Maria Veritas encounters Jesus as her spouse daily, in the Blessed Sacrament, how Melissa Florian’s desires that fueled addiction were transformed into a hunger for the Eucharist, and how Fr. David Pellican’s love for the Eucharist is propelling his dream of cultivating a love for the Eucharist among young people.

(00:16) Reflecting on why the Eucharist is powerful for Catholics, we reflect on the fact that so many guests on Open Door Policy have shared about their deep love for Jesus’ presence in the Blessed Sacrament and introduce Sr. Maria Veritas, a Dominican Sister of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.

(01:17) Sr. Maria Veritas shares how she treasures the opportunity to encounter Jesus as her spouse in Adoration. She shares how, even in periods of dryness, she still depends on this time spent daily with Jesus in adoration.

(02:39) We revisit the episode featuring Melissa Florian, who had spoken about a transformative encounter with Jesus on Father’s Day, which was closely followed by an intense desire to go to Mass.

(03:03) Melissa shares what it was like to respond to her encounter with Christ, by going to Mass, where she was overcome with a desire to receive the Eucharist. She discusses how, while she had sought fulfillment through her addiction previously, she finally found her desires satisfied through Jesus. Co-host Emily then speaks from her own experience about how the Eucharist led her to Confession and, even when going to Confession was difficult, she desired the Eucharist more than she feared going to Confession.

(07:10) Fr. Patrick invites Melissa to pray with listeners to increase their desire for the Eucharist and she passionately intercedes on behalf of all listeners.

(08:00) We introduce Fr. David Pellican whose life and work has been marked by a love for the Eucharist. Fr. David shares about his encounters with Christ throughout his whole life, looking all the way back to his First Communion, and the intense sense of Jesus’ love he experienced.

(09:41) Fr. David goes on to share what spiritual growth looks like for him these days, emphasizing Mass, adoration, and spiritual reading. He especially highlights the value of visiting Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament chapel many times each day (a habit which developed from a penance he was given), and what a source of life that is for him.

(11:38) Fr. David shares about his dreams, from his vantage point as the Associate Pastor of Divine Child Parish. He discusses how important it is for him that the students at Divine Child encounter Jesus authentically. He also shares how the high schoolers, in particular, have responded to the opportunity to spend more time with Jesus in adoration.

(15:06 ) Reflecting on the power of these Eucharistic testimonies listeners are encouraged to seek out opportunities to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Thanks for listening to Open Door Policy!