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Show Notes

Reflecting on the fourth Sunday of Advent’s Gospel reading, Rakhi and Nicole unpack the power and joy of God’s surprises, especially in relation to our life of discipleship. They note how surrendering to and following the Lord wherever he calls us is not always easy, but highlight how he equips those he anoints for a particular purpose. They encourage listeners to lean on the Blessed Mother and follow her example of peace following the Annunciation, and wish their listeners a very merry Christmas.

This episode of Beyond Sunday is brought to you by Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario — one of Canada’s most historic Catholic institutes of higher learning, tracing its origins to 1857. Learn more about their online Graduate Diploma in Catholic Studies by going to assumptionu.ca — or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

(02:01) Rakhi re-joins Nicole on the podcast, and she shares about her surprise 40th birthday party. They talk about how Christmas sneaks up very quickly this year, with only one day to celebrate the fourth Sunday of Advent. They talk about how they keep Christmas gifts a surprise in their families. 

(08:11) They discuss how to hold a posture of joyful anticipation and trust, counting on the surprises that God might have for us. They talk about leaving space for the unexpected and looking for how God is moving in our lives in unexpected ways. 

(13:52) Looking at this Sunday’s Gospel reading, they talk about how Mary and Zechariah have different reactions to God’s plan for their lives. They share how it can be difficult to release control as God often calls us to do. 

(17:55) They share how God will ask specific things of each of us and how to discern in faith. They share from their own experiences how this is often very hard to do but that discipleship is not always easy. They discuss the idea of being anointed to do the work God calls us to, no matter how challenging it is, and how God equips us for it. 

(20:35) With Mary as our example, they highlight how to remain peaceful in the midst of the challenge of God’s plan for our lives. They also note the role that Elizabeth and Mary play in each others’ lives as they accept God’s will. They encourage listeners to turn to the Blessed Mother as a source of comfort, especially if they don’t have anyone to turn to for support in their life as a disciple. 

(22:12) They offer this week’s challenge, inviting listeners to pray the Litany of Mary found in this week’s 52 Sundays and considering throwing Jesus a birthday party. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is brought to you by Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario — one of Canada’s most historic Catholic institutes of higher learning, tracing its origins to 1857. Learn more about their online Graduate Diploma in Catholic Studies by going to assumptionu.ca — or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.