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Show Notes

On this final episode of Beyond Sunday, in anticipation of the Feast of the Holy Family, Rakhi and Nicole unpack how we, as families, can grow in holiness. They revisit some of the themes that have come up over the last year of hosting this podcast, and they offer encouragement to listeners striving to live lives of holiness with their families. Looking to the Holy Family as a model of humanity and docility to the Lord, they invite listeners to entrust their families to the Lord and continue to use 52 Sundays in the new year as a way to weave the Sunday experience into their weeks. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is brought to you by Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario — one of Canada’s most historic Catholic institutes of higher learning, tracing its origins to 1857. Learn more about their online Graduate Diploma in Catholic Studies by going to assumptionu.ca — or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

(01:34) Rakhi and Nicole commence their fifty-third and final episode of Beyond Sunday. They encourage listeners to remain committed to bringing the light of Christ through their families by using 52 Sundays weekly and following Unleash the Gospel on social media. They share what they’re grateful for from this past year by pulling something from their “virtual gratitude jar” to share. 

(05:36) They encourage reflecting on the past year with the Lord and the Blessed Mother and revisit some of the most prominent themes that arose on the podcast in the past year. 

(12:14) They highlight how the Holy Family can inspire us to live out holiness in our own families. They note how we can carry the same disposition as the Holy Family in whatever the Lord calls us to. 

(15:08) They encourage listeners to extend the season of celebration that Christmas brings by having an Epiphany party, surrounding themselves with people who encourage us in our faith, and seeking out strong relationships. They also encourage listeners to strive to make time for the Lord, especially when things get busy or overwhelming and to trust God is working, even if we don’t see fruit. 

(20:27) They offer a challenge to listeners to pick one thing from 52 Sundays to commit to incorporating into each week in the new year. They also invite listeners to remember they are human and entrust their families to the Lord and his holy will.  

This episode of Beyond Sunday is brought to you by Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario — one of Canada’s most historic Catholic institutes of higher learning, tracing its origins to 1857. Learn more about their online Graduate Diploma in Catholic Studies by going to assumptionu.ca — or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.