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Scripture Challenge

Run so as to win the race.

Grow Year Scripture Challenge

“Listening and responding to God’s word in the Sacred Scriptures must be at the heart of our efforts to unleash the Gospel. One who is in love desires to know more and more about the beloved. Since all Scripture speaks of Christ, immersing ourselves in the word is a way to deepen our initial encounter and grow in our relationship with him.” —UTG Marker 3.2

We are inviting all joyful missionary disciples to read the four Gospels, the New Testament, or the whole bible in 2021! We’ve broken it down into 6 different challenges, depending on what you feel you can commit to in the New Year.Join a saintly guild and commit to making 2021 a year to grow closer to Jesus, the Word of God!

5k Challenge Holy Family Guild  – Follow 52Sundays each week (for parents and families)

10k Challenge Blessed Stanley Rother Guild – Daily Reading of the Gospel

Half-Marathon Challenge St. Josephine Bakhita Guild – Reading the New Testament in a Year

Full Marathon Challenge Our Lady of Guadalupe Guild – Reading the Whole Bible in a Year

Triathlon Challenge Blessed Solanus Casey Guild – New Testament in a Year, Monthly Confession, and join a small group

Ironman Challenge St. John Paul II Guild – Reading the Whole Bible in a Year, Monthly Confession, join a small group, and Daily Rosary

Just fill out the form below to download your scripture year challenge calendar and receive Unleash the Gospel updates.

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Want to read the bible in a small group?

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