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Join a Family Small Group this Easter Season!

In addition to the small circle of the couple and their children, there is the larger family, which cannot be overlooked. […] Friends and other families are part of this larger family, as well as communities of families who support one another in their difficulties, their social commitments and their faith. –Amoris Laetitia, 196

When was the last time you joined other families in your parish for food, prayer, discussion, and a time to play? Grow in your faith by walking alongside other families in a Family Small Group.

During the Easter season, families are encouraged to connect with other families to grow in community and faith. For seven weeks, families can gather with other families to pray, reflect on a theme to help prepare us for the World Meeting of Families, and build up the domestic Church. For about one hour a week, families have the opportunity to grow closer to God and one another.

Don’t see a parish in your area? Consider starting your own small group! Download tips and ideas to get started and weekly themes for reflection:  

Download Tips & Ideas

Connect with a parish to learn more about joining a small group:

Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, Detroit
Marian Bart

Guardian Angels, Clawson
Rakhi McCormick

Immaculate Conception, Ira Township
Tina Kovalcik

St. John Neumann, Canton
Joyce Hansen
734-455-5910 Ext.118

St. Paul on the Lake, Grosse Pointe Farms
Anne Graves
313-885-8855 Ext.144

St. Roch, Flat Rock
Cheryl Knapp

For questions about the Easter Season Family Small Group Initiative, please contact Tara Stenger at stenger.tara@aod.org.