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RISE 2024

February 4

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All 9-12th graders are invited to attend RISE! All attending teens must be accompanied by an adult chaperone (youth minister, high school campus minister, teacher, pastor, parent, etc.).

The event will take place on Sunday, February 4, 2024, from 8:30 a.m.-7:15 p.m. at Mercy High School in Farmington. The speakers include Pat Millea, Bishop Quinn, and Fr. Mario Amore! Activities include keynotes, powerful music and worship experiences, two workshop opportunities, small group discussion, and Liturgy!

8:30 a.m. Arrival and Registration
9:00 a.m. Welcome (Event begins)
Lunch/Service (lunch included in registration)
Vocation Talk
Teen/Young Adult Witness
Small Group Time
Dinner – included in registration
Closing Session and Adoration
7:15 p.m Dismissal
General Registration:
All attending teens must be accompanied by an adult chaperone (parent, youth minister, pastor, teacher, etc.).
Standard Admission: $35 for all participants: teens and adults. Includes lunch and dinner!
Sign up before January 6 to receive a 25% discount!
Registration will remain open until 1/29/24.
Parish Group Giveaway:
Parishes/schools that register ten or more participants by December 20, 2023, will receive free RISE Detroit 2024 t-shirts. (T-shirts will be provided on the day of the event.)
Payment: Please pay online via Eventbrite or via check.
Make checks payable to:
Archdiocese of Detroit
12 State Street, Detroit, MI 48226
Attention: Youth Ministry
Event Contact: youthministry@aod.org | 313.237.5904


February 4