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Show Notes

On this episode of Beyond Sunday, co-hosts Nicole and Tara discuss their Advent dive into this Sunday’s Gospel reading focusing on John the Baptist. They explore the beauty of remaining steadfast in faith, drawing from John’s example of anticipation. They highlight celebrating saints like St. Lucy and Our Lady of Guadalupe during Advent, emphasizing their own stories of waiting and anticipation and how they can serve as models to us and our little ones.

This episode of Beyond Sunday is brought to you by Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario — one of Canada’s most historic Catholic institutes of higher learning tracing its origins to 1857. Learn more about their online Graduate Diploma in Catholic Studies by going to assumptionu.ca — or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

(01:12) Co-hosts Nicole and Tara introduce themselves and discuss how their Advent candles fare through the season. They discuss this Sunday’s Gospel reading and what they love about John the Baptist. 

(06:49) They talk about the beauty of being a cradle Catholic and how you don’t have to stray from Christ to have a powerful testimony. They discuss the disposition of waiting and how John the Baptist models this for us. 

(09:06) They begin to unpack other ways we can celebrate in the midst of waiting during the Advent season, starting with celebrating and sharing the story of St. Lucy (feast day: December 13) with our kids.

(14:13) They also discuss how they celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe (feast day: December 12) and highlight how she models waiting with anticipation, especially by appearing pregnant. They discuss the feeling of anticipation experienced during pregnancy.

(19:43) They recommend that listeners use 52 Sundays to find meaningful ways to celebrate the saints who teach us how to wait well and propose this week’s challenge of praying the Hail Mary daily. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is brought to you by Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario — one of Canada’s most historic Catholic institutes of higher learning tracing its origins to 1857. Learn more about their online Graduate Diploma in Catholic Studies by going to assumptionu.ca or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.