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Show Notes

With Halloween coming up, Rakhi and Nicole come together to unpack some of the realities of our faith that the world might think of as spooky, but are actually full of hope in light of Jesus’ resurrection. On this episode learn about the Catholic teaching of purgatory (and heaven!), how to talk to your kiddos about the reality of death, and the Communion of Saints, and receive tips and encouragement on how to pray for the faithful departed with your family throughout the month of November. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is brought to you by Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario — one of Canada’s most historic Catholic institutes of higher learning tracing its origins to 1857. Learn more about their online Graduate Diploma in Catholic Studies by going to assumptionu.ca or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

(01:27) Nicole and Rakhi discuss all things spooky season, their perceptions of cemeteries, and their reactions to horror movies and themes. They talk about All Hallows Eve and how they celebrate All Souls’ Day.

(08:06) They discuss the Catholic teaching of purgatory and the hope for every soul in purgatory to eventually enter heaven. They talk about why we pray for the souls in purgatory and the significance of Catholic funerals.  

(14:24) They share how they both pray for the souls of loved ones and offer Masses for them, interceding for the repose of their souls. They also share advice on how to talk to our children about the reality of death in a hopeful way, according to what we believe as Catholics because of Jesus’ resurrection.

(20:30) Citing the Catechism, they share about the Communion of Saints and why this reality can give us and our children hope when we talk about loved ones who have passed away. They encourage listeners to pray with their families for deceased family members. They also encourage starting the tradition of remembering the souls of all the faithful departed throughout the month of November. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is brought to you by Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario — one of Canada’s most historic Catholic institutes of higher learning tracing its origins to 1857. Learn more about their online Graduate Diploma in Catholic Studies by going to assumptionu.ca or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.