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Show Notes

In light of the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel reading, on this episode of Beyond Sunday, Nicole and Rakhi focus on how we can cultivate a culture of forgiveness and reconciliation in our families. They highlight how to properly enter into reconciliation and how to surrender our wounds to Jesus when we have been wronged, but reconciliation hasn’t yet taken place. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries’ Sponsorships at a Distance Program. This school year, become a PIME Sponsor to give the gift of an education to a student in an isolated mission-country, and break the cycle of poverty for a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. See how you can support a student in need at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships.

(1:17) Rakhi and Nicole shout out this week’s saint(s), St. Andrew Kim Taegon and Companions, and Nicole mentions this week’s 52 Sundays entry features her beef bulgogi recipe

(03:48) They continue to unpack the theme of forgiveness and how our families can become schools of mercy and forgiveness.

(08:05) They acknowledge how there will be seasons where it’s tiring to experience conflict over the same things repeatedly with our children.

(09:59) Rakhi proposes a three-step process to forgiveness which involves repenting, repairing, and reconciling. 

(14:19) Nicole highlights the value of practicing gratitude and how doing so can help move us from places of unforgiveness toward reconciliation.  

(16:39) They discuss what to do when we don’t receive an apology after being wronged and encourage the hard work of surrendering such situations to the Lord, in order to let go of hurt and resentment in our hearts. 

(19:47) Rakhi reminds listeners that mercy is a gift of the Spirit and encourages us to beg for this gift in prayer, not relying purely on our own willpower to live mercifully. 

(20:14) Nicole mentions the family challenge for this week that can be found on 52sundays.com, which calls families to surrender those situations where they have been wronged to the Lord. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries’ Sponsorships at a Distance Program. This school year, become a PIME Sponsor to give the gift of an education to a student in an isolated mission-country, and break the cycle of poverty for a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. See how you can support a student in need at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships.