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Show Notes

(01:51) Rakhi and Nicole kick off the episode sharing things they can’t give up for Lent and what their  best Lenten sacrifices have been. Nicole shares a story about being asked to restore an antique vestment embellishment and spent her Lenten season repairing it. 

(08:04) They talk about entering into Lent with humility and authenticity, and avoiding treating Lenten sacrifices like New Year’s resolutions, by inviting God into their own imperfection. 

(09:22) Rakhi breaks open the topic of this weekend’s Gospel, the temptation of Jesus in the desert, and highlights how the Devil can use half-truths to try to deceive us and lead us to doubt who we were created to be. She emphasizes how God is with us in our “deserts” — those places where the Devil tries to lead us to believe lies. 

(11:43) Nicole shares how important it is to invite Jesus into our doubts, wounds, and baggage, rather  than live out of a defensive place, in order to receive the transformation and healing he offers. She goes on to illustrate how important it is to claim truth for our children, who are growing up in a world filled with half-truths and lies. 

(15:15) Nicole describes how these half-truths can lead parents to a place of self-doubt or despair when we give into the temptation to compare ourselves to what we see other parents doing, especially on social media. Rakhi comments on the reality that holiness doesn’t involve immediate gratification or silver bullet solutions, but rather, requires staying rooted and committing to the long game, clinging to the fullness of truth. 

(18:47) The two challenge listeners to consider what’s behind the half-truths they may be believing and, especially during Lent, to sit in discomfort with God, and seek to live in the full truth. They go on to share how half-truths and a desire for immediate gratification can lead us to seek control, even of our children, and discuss the challenge of letting go of that desire to control. 

(23:18) They emphasize the hope that we have in the resurrection and that we can still cling to that truth, when we’re stuck in the deserts of “half-truths.” They challenge listeners to view these desert places as a path to the resurrection, just as Lent is a path to Easter. They close their discussion by encouraging parents to pray the Litany of Trust and offering encouragement. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by OSV Catholic Bookstore, publisher of Marian Consecration for Families with Young Children. Lead your family to Jesus through Mary, with this book by Detroit local, Colleen Pressprich, and grow in your devotion to Our Lady. Use code “52SUN” for 20% off your purchase of this beautiful Marian resource!