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Show Notes

In light of Labor Day, on this episode, Nicole and Rakhi discuss the different forms of labor that we engage in daily, including parenthood and employment, and how we can make all of it an offering to God. They discuss how to be intentional in teaching and modeling to our children the dignity of work while also acknowledging the challenges we face. They remind us that even small labors are important in the eyes of God. 

Does your bank make you feel like you belong there? At Alliance Catholic Credit Union, you are a member of a financial institution that serves the Catholic community, providing you with an opportunity to align your banking with your Catholic identity. You receive all the products and services you need to manage your money, and your membership helps support Catholic schools, parishes and organizations. It’s time to put your money where your faith is. Visit Alliancecatholic.com to get started today. Service. Community. Catholic. Alliance Catholic Credit Union, federally insured by the NCUA.

(1:38) Rakhi and Nicole discuss Labor Day weekend and their own (childbirth) labor experiences.

(5:22) Nicole shares that Romans 12:1-2 is how she strives to pray and live. 

(6:45) Rakhi says that our labor and sacrifice are not limited to our employment or physical labor but to the work we do to be transformed in discerning the will of God, making our whole lives an offering. 

(8:10) The hosts discuss the types of labor in our daily lives. Nicole brings up the labors of parenthood.

(10:00) Nicole says to be thankful for the gift of parenthood but to also acknowledge the importance of the many small things we do. Rakhi says nothing goes unnoticed by God. 

(12:00) Nicole brings up the challenges and labors of working parenthood.  

(14:00) Rakhi says to look at what fruit you are bearing at work and at home. Nicole says to be intentional about being present in the moment with both work and home life, including a “coming home from work” transition routine. 

(17:30) Rakhi discusses the importance of creating order and determining priorities in a family. Nicole discusses the dignity of work and finding ways for children to contribute in a meaningful way.  

(19:30) Rakhi says that we can teach our children that our work is not always about making money but some is a contribution to humanity and to God. 

(20:53) Rakhi suggests that as we prepare children for the workplace we let them know that they are also allowed to be respected and fairly compensated.

(21:57) Nicole says the challenge of the week is to spend time in prayer about your own work and discern what God is asking in your labor. Also take time to pray for people looking for work.

Does your bank make you feel like you belong there? At Alliance Catholic Credit Union, you are a member of a financial institution that serves the Catholic community, providing you with an opportunity to align your banking with your Catholic identity. You receive all the products and services you need to manage your money, and your membership helps support Catholic schools, parishes and organizations. It’s time to put your money where your faith is. Visit Alliancecatholic.com to get started today. Service. Community. Catholic. Alliance Catholic Credit Union, federally insured by the NCUA.