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Show Notes

On this episode, Nicole and Rakhi discuss how to prepare your family to live their lives in a way that exemplifies your family faith culture, especially in the busy back to school season. They share approaches to navigating the common decisions you may face and how to align your choices with the goal of preparing your family to be witnesses in the world.

Does your bank make you feel like you belong there? At Alliance Catholic Credit Union, you are a member of a financial institution that serves the Catholic community, providing you with an opportunity to align your banking with your Catholic identity. You receive all the products and services you need to manage your money, and your membership helps support Catholic schools, parishes and organizations. It’s time to put your money where your faith is. Visit Alliancecatholic.com to get started today. Service. Community. Catholic. Alliance Catholic Credit Union, federally insured by the NCUA.

(1:35) Rakhi and Nicole discuss back to school preparations.

(4:21) Nicole says they will be discussing traditions and how we live our lives in the busyness of the school year. 

(6:00) Nicole says that how we live and join ourselves to the community of Christ is an intentional decision to exercise in our families. Rakhi says there is a temptation to be culturally Catholic but that we are called to make the decision to commit ourselves to following Jesus and create a family culture that sets us apart. 

(7:18) Nicole shares a metaphor of a family dinner with nonnegotiables and extra side dishes to think about the ways we can set up our family faith culture.

(10:25) Rakhi discusses how the analogy of the meal, or family faith culture, prepares us to be witnesses in the world. 

(12:10) Rakhi shares her thoughts on giving kids confidence to live their faith traditions even around other friends, as a part of growing as disciples.

(14:50) Rakhi and Nicole discuss the small decisions we make in raising children informed by our faith and family culture. 

(18:27) They discuss what we do when our family culture doesn’t match another family’s culture in areas such as technology use and dating.

(24:08) Rakhi brings up what to do when we’re asked to participate in things that are not necessarily aligned with Catholic teaching.

(26:39) Rakhi discusses the idea of branding as a Catholic family and how others might know that you believe in Christ based on your decisions.

(28:06) Nicole says the challenge this week is to have a conversation with your spouse about what your family culture is right now and what steps to make this school year to align with that.

Does your bank make you feel like you belong there? At Alliance Catholic Credit Union, you are a member of a financial institution that serves the Catholic community, providing you with an opportunity to align your banking with your Catholic identity. You receive all the products and services you need to manage your money, and your membership helps support Catholic schools, parishes and organizations. It’s time to put your money where your faith is. Visit Alliancecatholic.com to get started today. Service. Community. Catholic. Alliance Catholic Credit Union, federally insured by the NCUA.