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Show Notes

(01:18) Rakhi and Nicole begin this episode with some fun rapid-fire questions about sounds and what they associate them with, as a way to set up the topic for this week’s episode, focusing on the story of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, and the sheep hearing his voice. 

(06:31) They share some of their experiences as moms, how they have seen how their voices affect their children. They talk about how the voice of God is life-giving and convicting, not condemning and highlight how parents are the first image — or voice — of God that our children will experience. They share how this impacts the way they speak to their children, and share how words they heard as children still affect them. 

(11:54) They talk about anger and some of its nuances, especially when it comes to anger in parenting. They highlight how it should be a tool to bring us to light, not a reason to lash out. They also share how they try to help their children discern what they hear in the world. They note how God’s voice speaks truth, and talk about what song Jesus sings over their children. 

(16:59) They discuss how aligning our voices to God’s in how we speak to our children doesn’t mean we have to abandon our personalities, but simply allow God to funnel his message through us. 

(18:34) They highlight how important it is to try to speak in union with their spouse, when dealing with something challenging with our children, in order to avoid giving conflicting messages.

(21:24) Rakhi and Nicole also share how they return to God’s word when it’s difficult to hear his voice. They encourage listeners to take time this week to do an exercise in hearing God’s voice and inviting their children to do the same, in a way that is accessible to them.

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by OSV Catholic Bookstore, publisher of An Adoration Treasury for Young Catholics. Help your little ones spend meaningful time before Jesus in the Eucharist with this book featuring a multitude of prayers, hymns, meditations, and ways to pray before the Eucharist, accompanied by beautiful illustrations. Use code “52SUN” for 20% off your purchase of this Eucharistic resource.