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Show Notes

On this episode of Beyond Sunday, Rakhi and Nicole discuss the virtue of humility, false expressions of humility, and how to help our children grow in the virtue of humility (as we do the same). Listen as they speak from their own experiences, share anecdotes from ways they’ve helped their children grow, and how they encourage listeners to practice this virtue.  

This episode of Beyond Sunday is brought to you by Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario — one of Canada’s most historic Catholic institutes of higher learning tracing its origins to 1857. Learn more about their online Graduate Diploma in Catholic Studies by going to assumptionu.ca or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

(03:05) Rakhi and Nicole introduce this episode’s topic, looking at the upcoming gospel reading from Matthew 23, highlighting humility. They talk about helping our children find the balance between being proud of who they are and their gifts, and also remaining humble, avoiding the sin of pride.

(06:06) They talk about what it means to be proud of our children, as well, appreciate their gifts, but also not feel the need to outshine others. Nicole shares how there are cases where she doesn’t expect her children to try their best and explains why that is. They discuss the value of teaching our children how to prioritize those things that require their best effort. 

(10:38) They acknowledge the reality of competitiveness kids experience in school, and how they help their children understand how to navigate those feelings of competition.

(12:12) Rakhi shares about a time when she helped her daughter grow in her understanding of true humility. They discuss helping their children to recognize root desires and how to properly order their desires, in order to grow in humility. 

(15:30) Nicole shares about a time when she had to discern her own desires and how it challenged her to grow in humility. 

(18:00) They talk about how we can give God glory through our gifts and remain humble, emphasizing the balance that is needed to do so. They also share tips on how to encourage our kids to practice true humility by recognizing their gifts and receiving affirmation well from others. They also discuss building up our children in their identity as beloved children of God. 

(23:47) They offer a challenge to listeners to practice the virtue of humility in small ways throughout their week. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is brought to you by Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario — one of Canada’s most historic Catholic institutes of higher learning tracing its origins to 1857. Learn more about their online Graduate Diploma in Catholic Studies by going to assumptionu.ca or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.