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Show Notes

Emily and Fr. Patrick welcome Alex Lynch to the podcast, and she reflects on her journey as a joyful missionary disciple as she has cultivated faith and community in her family and ministry involvement in her parish.

(1:05) Emily reflects on her two-year anniversary working with the Archdiocese of Detroit. Fr. Patrick asks her what her favorite memory is of serving the city of Detroit and Emily relays her connection to the community through her work on the Open Door Policy podcast.

(5:00) Fr. Patrick and Emily welcome guest Alex Lynch to the podcast, mom, parish leader, and owner of the local Scramblers restaurant franchise. She discusses her upbringing in the Catholic faith, as well as her involvement leading the mom’s group ministry at St. Paul which also includes a book club. Alex talks about the most recent book the group read, Divine Mercy for Moms.

(10:30) Fr. Patrick asks Alex to share about how she sees the power of God’s love manifested in her role as a mother. Alex shares about her journey in motherhood and fostering, as well as the ways in which her personal encounter with God in her family has helped her through seasons of great suffering.

(16:45) Emily asks Alex to share ways in which we can all do more to support mothers in our communities who may be struggling. Alex discusses the simple daily ways that anyone can step up with small acts to show support through prayer, help with children, and reaching out with thoughtful encouragement.

(19:00) Fr. Patrick reminds us that the Advent season is a time for transformation and that little acts of love the Holy Spirit calls us to can make a huge and impactful difference in someone’s life. Alex discusses how she has seen such little acts of love in her mom’s group, especially in creating community and support throughout the pandemic.

(26:30) Alex shares some ways in which she is practicing faith formation with her children through their spiritual education and keeping God at the center of their family routine. Emily talks about the inspiration children bring by expressing joy and wonder in their faith.

(34:40) Alex discusses how right now her dream for her life is to focus on intentionality and living in the present moment both with her family and community and maintaining a focus on what is most important, keeping God at the center of our lives.

(37:50) Fr. Patrick leads closing prayer with Emily and Alex.