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Show Notes

Emily and Fr. Patrick welcome Bishop Donald Hanchon, who shares the story of his journey through the priesthood and how his many years serving minority communities in Detroit have formed him as a joyful missionary disciple with a heart for God’s people.

(0:55) Fr. Patrick and Emily discuss what they are excited about and grateful for in the liturgical Christmas season.

(3:30) Fr. Patrick and Emily discuss their key moments of formation in their personal faith lives as Catholics.

(4:45) Emily introduces guest Bishop Hanchon, who discusses his talent with the ukulele and shares about his early vocational call to the priesthood.

(11:15) Emily asks Bishop Hanchon about a key moment of growth in his faith and he shares how his early experiences serving with the Black community in Detroit shaped him as a priest and his passion for ministering in urban communities.

(17:00) Bishop Hanchon shares about the gifts of community connections he has found within the many cultures represented within the Archdiocese of Detroit.

(20:00) Emily asks Bishop Hanchon what has been his experience of being a joyful missionary disciple, and he reflects on the importance of having a joyful witness to faith and how he has kept his dream of living out his vocation as a missionary at the center of his work as a priest and Bishop.

(25:50) Fr. Patrick invites Bishop Hanchon to talk about his advice for listening to the voice of the Lord. Bishop Hanchon discusses how a relationship with God is based on communication with God and being open to it through direct listening to God, as well as to those around us who God may be using to speak to us.

(28:30) Emily asks Bishop Hanchon what his dream is for the Church in Detroit. Bishop Hanchon voices that the Church must continue to actively work against racism and his hopes that profound faith will be instilled within the young people in our communities through encounters with Jesus. He shares about the importance of family members in his life who have had a positive impact on his faith and encouraged him to be a disciple.

(33:30) Bishop Hanchon leads Fr. Patrick and Emily in closing prayer.