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Show Notes

Father Patrick and Emily speak to guest Father David Pellican about his journey as a joyful missionary disciple, from his childhood growing up with seven sisters in rural Michigan raising pigs, to his call to the priesthood, to his current work of bringing students at Divine Child Schools into encounters with Christ.

(0:25) Fr. Patrick and Emily open by discussing local community outreach. Fr. Patrick shares about his ministry of sharing the gospel and prayer with those in the local neighborhoods and stores, and Emily shares that she will be participating in St. Al’s Light the Night event downtown, where she will be helping welcome Detroiters to the parish.

(3:50) Emily introduces guest Fr. David Pellican, and Fr. Patrick invites Fr. David to share about his own podcast, Men of the Hearts, which is a podcast about priestly vocations.

(6:20) Emily asks Fr. David about what his life was like prior to joining the priesthood. Fr. David speaks about growing up in a large family with seven sisters, and discusses how his parents dedicated themselves to teaching their children about the Catholic faith and the great impact this had on shaping his first encounters with Jesus in his youth.

(14:20) Fr. Patrick asks Fr. David to speak on the topic of the domestic church. Fr. David reflects on how all families, with their unique dynamics and struggles, can look to the Holy Family for inspiration. Emily notes that, being the second oldest of eight children, Fr. David had a leadership role in his family. Fr. David discusses how he sees that through the role of being a leader and guide to his younger sisters, the Lord was preparing him for his role as a priest working with the young student population of Divine Child.

(19:50) Emily asks Fr. David what he does to grow his faith life, and Fr. David discusses his practice of finding quiet moments to stop into the chapel for reflection, as well as reading books about church figures that inspire his faith journey.

(24:10) Fr. Patrick asks Fr. David about his dreams for his work at Divine Child, and Fr. David discusses some of the exciting initiatives happening at the schools, including setting aside weekly time with the high schoolers to do different workshops focused on encountering Jesus, as well as giving them time for adoration.

(32:50) Fr. Patrick notes the various struggles that can arise for high school students, especially in terms of identity and relationships. Emily agrees, noting that even for adults, the pandemic has caused feelings of struggle and yearning for relationships with others. Fr. David agrees, saying that he saw the need for a young adult group at Divine Child during the pandemic, and speaks to the wonderful fruits that have come from that.

(36:15) Emily asks Fr. David to share about something giving him life in his spiritual life at the moment, and Fr. David shares about the peace he finds in his regular visits to the Solanus Casey Center.

(39:20) Fr. David offers closing prayer with Fr. Patrick and Emily.

Men of the Hearts Podcast

Solanus Casey Center

The Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle