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Show Notes

Marek Dziekonski joins Emily and Fr. Patrick in the virtual studio (back from summer break!) to tell his story of meeting Jesus after a parachuting accident and moving to the United States to serve as a missionary.

(2:00) Emily and Fr. Patrick catch up after taking a few months off for “summer break,” and introduce the episode guest.

(4:45) Welcome Marek Dziekonski! Marek shares about his life growing up in Poland and what his family would do for vacation in the summer. He introduces his family: wife and four kids.

(7:30) Marek shares the story of his encounter with Jesus (it involves a WWII parachute!).

(17:43) Marek shares the discernment process he went through to decide to become a missionary, which ultimately led to him moving from Poland to southeast Michigan.

(23:25) Fr. Patrick gives a shout-out to Marek’s mother and reads from the book of Proverbs.

(25:28) Marek shares what it was like to move to the US and his work as a missionary here in the Archdiocese of Detroit — especially what his prayer life was like during that time.

(31:43) Marek shares what it looks like for him to live as a joyful missionary disciple today: as a husband, father, and photographer.

(38:28) Marek leads the closing prayer.