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Show Notes

The ODP virtual guest chair sits empty as Danielle interviews our own Fr. Steve Pullis, Director of Evangelization and Discipleship for the Archdiocese of Detroit.

Rapid Fire Questions and Discussion 0:25:18

An omelette loving former Subway sandwich artist, Fr. Steve Pullis talks scripture, cassocks and Wayne Gretsky.

Testimony 10:02

Danielle asks about being a priest during quarantine and how God’s been working in his life. Fr. Steve tells how a lack of structure and routine can easily push Jesus from the center of one’s life. Danielle asks what Fr. Steve has been encouraged by in this season and that leads to a discussion of the unity and strength that can come from a shared experience.

Unleashing the Gospel 20:22

This segment begins with a discussion of Families of Parishes. Fr. Steve talks about how FOP will allow the Church to continue it’s mission to proclaim Jesus Christ and not become fixated or paralyzed by administrative tasks. He asks Danielle her thoughts on FOP and she responds that she’s hopeful that the Church will only get stronger and be good, not only for us, but generations to come. Fr. Steve continues by suggesting that, as the Church slowly comes back to regular participation by the faithful, now may be the time for those who feel called to leadership or greater participation, to step up their involvement. Danielle ends by commenting on how new parameters can spark creativity in your faith life.

Reflection 39:50

Fr. Steve calls us to be “in action”, but at the same time, on our knees before the Lord in prayer.

Episode Summary 42:59