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Show Notes

The Acts of the Apostles book of the Bible ends in chapter 28 with Paul under house arrest in Rome, still boldly preaching the Gospel. This month, our Eyes on Jesus cohosts discuss how we are living Acts 29, the unwritten chapter that brings the mission of the Apostles into the present day.

0:27 – Archbishop Vigneron, Mary, and Mike greet each other and catch up on the past month.

1:17 – Mike asks Archbishop about sharing his testimony on Eucharistic adoration for the I AM HERE campaign.

3:13 – Mary asks Archbishop to share his thoughts on the Year of Prayer for Priestly Vocations, the five priestly ordinations happening later this month, and the six men recently ordained as transitional deacons.

5:45 – Archbishop looks forward to his upcoming pilgrimage to Lourdes with the Knights and Dames of Malta.

6:29 – Mary introduces this month’s main topic, living Acts 29, the idea that the Acts of the Apostles did not conclude with Chapter 28 of that book of the Bible. Instead, all the faithful are called to continue the mission of the Apostles.

23:51 – Mary asks Archbishop to share some of the ways the Archdiocese of Detroit is living Acts 29.

29:48 – Mike and Mary reflect on how they see Acts 29 alive in their work and lives.

34:22 – Archbishop Vigneron answers listener questions from Catholic school students, including the difference between mortal and venial sins, experiencing miracles, and the Archbishop’s childhood parishes.

40:30 – Archbishop Vigneron shares his intentions for the month and closes the episode with a prayer and blessing.