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Show Notes

Our Eyes on Jesus cohosts discuss the Sacrament of Baptism: what happens during the rite, how it effects the soul of the baptized, and how it serves as a “doorway” through which we become disciples of Christ and receive access to the other sacraments and all the graces that flow from them.

0:16 – Archbishop Vigneron, Mary, and Mike greet each other.

1:18 – The cohosts catch up on the month since our last episode. Mike asks the Archbishop if there’s a particular Lent that is especially memorable for him.

1:54 – Mary asks the Archbishop if he has any advice for Catholics about how to respond to the recent shootings at Michigan State University.

5:03 – The Archbishop explains the Rite of Election, an important step for those coming into the Church as adults at the Easter Vigil.

10:03 – Mike reflects on his experience of the Rite of Election as a catechist this year.

12:47 – Mary introduces this month’s main topic, the Sacrament of Baptism. She asks the Archbishop to give a brief overview of this sacrament—both the actions and the effects of the sacrament on the soul of the baptized.

19:56 – Mike and the Archbishop discuss Pope Francis’ analogy of baptism as a doorway through which we access the other sacraments.

22:04 – The Archbishop explains why, in contrast to some other Christian denominations, the Catholic Church chooses to baptize infants.

24:17 – Mary asks the Archbishop about some of the differences between the Western and Eastern churches with respect to the ordering of the sacraments of initiation (baptism, communion, confirmation).

27:02 – The Archbishop explains that ordinarily, bishops, priests, and deacons are the ministers of baptism. However, in emergency situations, anyone (even the non-baptized) can baptize, as long as they intend to do what the Church intends, they use water to baptize, and they say the proper words of baptism.

29:28 – The Archbishop shares what some theologians teach about what may happen to those who die not having been baptized.

32:16 – The Archbishop shares his own experience baptizing individuals.

39:37 – The Archbishop shares his prayer intentions for the month and closes the episode with a prayer and blessing.