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Show Notes

Lent is traditionally a time for Catholics to devote more time to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. This month, our Eyes on Jesus co-hosts discuss how to “live Lent” in a deeper way and reflect on God’s power to use our sin to help us grow in holiness.

0:25 – Archbishop Vigneron, Mary, and Mike greet each other and catch up on the past month.

1:25 – Mary asks Archbishop Vigneron to reflect on the day he was installed as Archbishop of Detroit, January 28, 2009.

3:20 – Archbishop talks about the highlights of his time as Archbishop of Detroit, most especially Synod 16

4:10 – Having recently helped Guardian Angels Parish celebrate their 100th anniversary, Archbishop Vigneron speaks about how, when he visits parishes for significant anniversaries, he uses the opportunity to inspire the parish to give thanks to God for the graces bestowed on the parish in the years since their founding.

7:12 – Mary asks Archbishop what he most looks forward to about Catholic Schools Week, which was celebrated the first week of February. She also asks him to share a little of his preaching from Catholic Schools Week Mass.

11:17 – Archbishop Vigneron provides a brief summary of the season of Lent: What it is, why the Church celebrates it, and how Catholics can use it to prepare for the coming of the Lord at Easter.

13:20 – Mike asks Archbishop to speak about how God can use our sin, especially when we make a good confession, to transform us and lead us to become holier.

15:56 – Mary asks Archbishop Vigneron for some advice on making a good examination of conscience, one that gets at those interior sins that pull us away from God.

19:55 – Mary, Mike, and Archbishop reflect on the graces that come from the sacrament of confession and how they’ve experienced those graces in their own lives.

22:50 – Archbishop gives advice for how families, especially, can go deeper into the Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

27:55 – Archbishop Vigneron shares a brief explanation of the Stational Mass he’ll celebrate at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral on February 26.

30:20 – Mary asks Archbishop to explain the Church’s liturgical calendar—what it is, why we have it, and how we can use it in our lives.

44:25 – Archbishop shares his prayer intentions for the month and closes the episode with a prayer and blessing.