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Show Notes

Archbishop Vigneron discusses the “mission priorities” for the remainder of his episcopacy: Families of Parishes, Catholic schools, communications, and priestly vocations.

0:17 – Archbishop Vigneron, Mary, and Mike greet each other and catch up on the past month.

1:05 – Mike asks Archbishop Vigneron if he’s made any New Year’s Resolutions for 2023.

2:50 – Mary asks Archbishop to reflect on Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in the wake of his December 31 death.

7:32 – Archbishop Vigneron talks about his experiences meeting Pope Benedict XVI, both before and during his papacy.

8:44 – Mary introduces this month’s main topic: Archbishop Vigneron’s upcoming 75th birthday, the Church law requirement that he submit his resignation to the Holy Father at that time, and the Archbishop’s mission priorities for the remainder of his time as Archbishop of Detroit.

15:19 – Mike asks Archbishop to provide a fuller explanation about the Families of Parishes mission priority.

21:02 – Mary asks Archbishop to share a little more about the Catholic Schools mission priority.

24:36 – Archbishop discusses the Communications mission priority.

28:47 – Archbishop discusses the Priestly Vocations mission priority.

31:32 – Mary asks Archbishop to discuss the strategies through which these mission priorities will be advanced.

40:57 – Archbishop shares some thoughts about how the faithful can support these mission priorities.

44:52 – Archbishop shares his prayer intentions for the month and closes the episode with a blessing.