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Show Notes

Archbishop Vigneron explains our focus in Advent on the Second Coming: What that means, why we focus on this during Advent, and how we Catholics should prepare for Christ to come again.

0:25 – Our hosts greet each other and catch up on the past month.

0:32 – Archbishop Vigneron talks about visiting the Blessed Solanus Casey Center for their 20th anniversary and blessing their expanded space. He also provides a short biography of Blessed Solanus, touches on why he’s so important to Detroit, and gives an update on the canonization process.

5:40 – Archbishop Vigneron shares about his prayer this Advent season of opening himself up to the joy that God wants him to have.

8:08 – Mary, Mike, and Archbishop talk about the I AM HERE campaign in support of the National Eucharistic Revival, specifically the series of Holy Hours happening at parishes throughout the Archdiocese every day of Advent.

11:32 – Mary asks Archbishop Vigneron to talk about the Second Coming of Christ and how it relates to the season of Advent.

14:08 – Mike asks Archbishop to share some of the theological and scriptural bases for the belief that Christ will come again.

21:28 – Archbishop explains the Church’s teaching on how the Second Coming will bring about the Resurrection of the Dead.

25:12 – Archbishop talks about what happens to a person’s soul when they die, and what the Church teaches about the particular judgment each of us will face.

28:34 – Mike asks Archbishop to talk about what will happen to our souls, our bodies, and even our planet, after the Second Coming.

37:17 – Archbishop Vigneron shares his prayer intentions for the month and closes the episode with a prayer and blessing.