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Show Notes

Archbishop Vigneron discusses Respect Life Month in October, including its significance this year as people in Michigan prepare to vote on Proposal 3, which seeks to include unregulated abortion rights in the state constitution. Note to readers: This episode was recorded in early September, before the proposal was officially placed on the ballot.

0:17 — Our hosts greet each other and catch up on the past few weeks.

2:57 — Mary Wilkerson shares about her new role as a Campus Minister at Divine Child Catholic School in Dearborn.

4:04 — Archbishop Vigneron offers a message of encouragement to Catholic school teachers, parents, and students as they begin a new academic year.

5:35 — With the July 1 launch of the second wave of Families of Parishes, Mike asks Archbishop Vigneron to reflect on his perspective of this transformation in our local Church and to look forward at the next steps.

8:47 — Mary introduces this month’s topic: Respect Life Month. She asks Archbishop about the significance of this month taking place in October.

10:30 — Archbishop explains what “respect life” means from a Catholic perspective.

14:15 — Mike asks Archbishop Vigneron about some of the events and initiatives taking place in the Archdiocese of Detroit during Respect Life Month, including two Masses: One on October 2 to thank God for the sacred gift of human and life and another on October 23 for those who have suffered miscarriages or infant loss.

19:33 — Mary invites Archbishop Vigneron to talk about the Walking with Moms in Need initiative and how the Archdiocese of Detroit and the whole Church in the United States are re-doubling their efforts to support all mothers and their families.

26:00 — Archbishop Vigneron speaks about Proposal 3, a proposed constitutional amendment that, if passed, would allow unregulated abortion in Michigan. He shares how Catholics can work to defeat this proposal.

35:47 — Archbishop answers listener questions about his first car, administering the Sacrament of the Sick, and his favorite homilies.

44:36 — The episode concludes with a prayer and blessing.