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Show Notes

Archbishop Vigneron discusses the recently-launched National Eucharistic Revival and how, as Catholics, we can help ourselves and others foster a renewed devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist.

0:20 – Archbishop Vigneron, Mary and Mike greet each other and catch up on the past month. Archbishop Vigneron reflects on the Eucharistic Procession held on the Feast of Corpus Christi that officially kicked off the National Eucharistic Revival in the Archdiocese of Detroit.

1:06 – Mary asks Archbishop Vigneron about the Archdiocese of Detroit’s newest auxiliary bishop, Archbishop Paul F. Russell. Archbishop Vigneron talks about the ministry of an auxiliary bishop and how he came to know then-Father Russell when the latter was a priest in Boston. The group also celebrates Archbishop Russell’s ties to Michigan.

7:14 – Mary asks Archbishop Vigneron to share an overview of the National Eucharistic Revival, its goals, and its inspiration.

11:13 – Mike asks Archbishop Vigneron to reflect on the survey data about how many Catholics believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and to speak about what a successful Eucharistic Revival will look like.

17:53 – Archbishop Vigneron shares that while the Revival is an opportunity to re-catechize the faithful about the Eucharist, it cannot be focused only on an intellectual understanding of the sacrament. It must also make a real impact on people at emotional and spiritual levels.

19:56 – Mike, Mary, and Archbishop Vigneron talk about why it’s important for Catholics to believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and some of the reasons many Catholics don’t share this foundational belief.

29:11 – Mike asks Archbishop Vigneron about the I AM HERE campaign that solicits and shares stories from Catholics who have been impacted in significant ways by Jesus in the Eucharist. They also discuss the importance of witnessing our faith to others and what makes an effective witness testimony.

34:42 – Our hosts share stories of powerful experiences they’ve had while praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

44:00 – Archbishop Vigneron answers listener questions about inventions that have changed his life, his “typical day,” and a few theological questions he would like to ask God.

50:52 – Archbishop Vigneron shares his prayer intentions for the month and closes the episode with a blessing.