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Show Notes

Archbishop Vigneron discusses what it means to be a good steward, discerning how God wants us to use His gifts of time, talent, and treasure to advance His kingdom.

0:30—Archbishop Vigneron and Mike catch up on the past month and ask for prayers for Mary and her family as they manage a medical situation.

1:15—Mike asks Archbishop to reflect on the recently-celebrated Mass for the World Day of the Sick, the anointing that took place during the Mass, his devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes and traveling to Lourdes to care for the sick.

3:25—Archbishop Vigneron talks about a recent trip he made to the Cayman Islands to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation and a brief history of how the Archdiocese of Detroit became responsible for the spiritual care of the Catholics there.

5:50—Mike and Archbishop Vigneron discuss stewardship and what it means in a Catholic context. God has given us all gifts of time, talent, and treasure and to be good stewards of those gifts is to properly discern how God wants us to use them to advance His kingdom.

9:20—Archbishop Vigneron offers some practical suggestions for how Catholics can be good stewards of their time, talent, and treasure.

16:40—Mike asks Archbishop to reflect on examples of stewardship that he saw in his family when he was growing up.

18:15—Archbishop Vigneron and Mike discuss stewardship of creation as called for in Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato si’.

19:25—Archbishop talk about how we, as individuals, can be good stewards of our vocations and collectively good stewards of the Church’s vocation to evangelize. He also shares some insights about how we can listen to the Holy Spirit to make sure we’re properly following God’s will for us.

29:40—Mike asks Archbishop to discuss some of the obstacles that can impede good stewardship and saints we can look to as models of good stewardship.

34:00—Mike asks Archbishop to share some thoughts about how we can approach the upcoming season of Lent.

35:15—Archbishop Vigneron answers listener questions about he observes Lent, his favorite things about the Archdiocese of Detroit, and his favorite liturgical music.

42:22—The episode closes with prayer and a blessing.