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Show Notes

Archbishop Vigneron discusses the mission of Catholic schools and their renewal in the Archdiocese of Detroit.

0:30 Archbishop Vigneron, Mary, and Mike catch up on the last month, including Christmas celebrations and New Year’s Resolutions.

3:00 Mary introduces the topic of Catholic schools and asks Archbishop Vigneron about their history in the Church and Archdiocese of Detroit. The Archbishop talks about the purpose of Catholic schools to prepare students for life with a vision that’s based on faith. The Archbishop also mentions the number of Catholic schools operating in the Archdiocese of Detroit.

8:32 Archbishop Vigneron is asked about what makes Catholic schools a unique endeavor: inspired by a supernatural vision that we’re made to live in this world to prepare for happiness in the next; founded on a Christian understanding of the human person; animated by a sense of communion and community; curriculum imbued with a Catholic worldview; and sustained by a Gospel witness.

11:45 Mike Chamberland asks the Archbishop about the Synod 16 conviction that Catholic schools are an apostolate that is the responsibility of all parishes and all Christ’s faithful. Mary refers to “Unleashing our Catholic Schools,” a strategic vision for the renewal and reinvention of Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Detroit. The hosts discuss what “renewal” and “reinvention” mean for schools in the Archdiocese. Archbishop Vigneron also highlights the essential characteristics of an ideal Catholic school: proudly Catholic, academically excellent, accessible to all, and sustainable to the future.

16:14 Mary furthers the discussion about how Catholic schools can be “accessible to all” now that they are no longer staffed mostly by priests and religious sisters.

19:07 Archbishop Vigneron provides an update on progress being made in the Archdiocese to ensure our schools fit the four “pillars” or essential characteristics described earlier.

12:53 Archbishop Vigneron shares his hopes for the future of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese, beginning with the opening of new schools in underserved areas – particularly schools founded by groups of lay people dedicated to Catholic education.

23:03 The hosts discuss Catholic Schools Week, an annual, national celebration of Catholic schools that takes place this year from Jan. 30 to Feb. 5. Mary shares how the witness of others online during a Catholic Schools Week years ago helped convince her to send her future children to Catholic school one day. Archbishop Vigneron summarizes local events planned for this year and discusses the theme of “Faith. Excellence. Service.”

27:30 All three hosts share reflections on their own experiences with Catholic schools. Archbishop Vigneron remembers the religious sisters sharing their faith with the students; Mike talks about an influential religion teacher at his Catholic high school; and Mary shares about a teacher and parish priest praying for and encouraging her son’s vocation.

32:54 Archbishop Vigneron concludes by expressing his appreciation to the principals and teachers serving in Catholic schools, calling them coworkers with Christ. Mary and Mike then share questions from the faithful with Archbishop Vigneron, including the devastating nature of Jesus’ death, the “bishops’ school” in Rome for newly ordained bishops, and what the Archbishop would choose as his patronage if he were to become a saint.

44:47 The episode closes with prayer intentions and a blessing.