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Show Notes

On this episode of Beyond Sunday, Rakhi and Nicole discuss what it means to be clothed in Christ. Using the parable of the wedding feast and passages from Colossians and Ephesians, they highlight how to relate to one another as Christ would and how to resist temptation. They share practical tips for supporting our children in reflecting on their motivations, guarding their minds, and recognizing when they are receiving messages from Christ. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries’ Sponsorships at a Distance Program. This school year, become a PIME Sponsor to give the gift of an education to a student in an isolated mission-country, and break the cycle of poverty for a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. See how you can support a student in need at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships.

(2:06) In honor of this week’s reading being the parable of the wedding guests, Rakhi and Nicole talk about wedding memories, including choosing their wedding dresses. 

(4:25) Rakhi says that all of the readings for this weekend stress the inclusivity of God but also that all of us should be clothed appropriately, meaning clothed in Christ. 

(7:18) Rakhi says that Colossians 3:12-17 highlights how we relate to one another as Christ would. 

(8:26) Rakhi asks how we handle bickering with siblings in this light. Nicole shares the steps of acknowledging that we were wronged, making space to go through the motions of apology and forgiveness, and learning to recognize our triggers and how to manage them.

(11:19) Nicole says the more we stay close to Christ, pray, reflect on our day, and reconsider our actions and motivations, the more we’ll be able to hear him call us to live differently. 

(12:08) Rakhi says we must strive to practice clothing ourselves with humility, which means considering how our words or actions might impact someone else. 

(14:51) Nicole discusses the Ephesians 6 passage on clothing ourselves in Christ to resist evil and temptation. She says we need to ensure we consume the right things that will inspire us to live a Christlike life. For children, we need to help them understand that some things can look exciting and appealing but are not good for us. 

(17:07) Rakhi emphasizes that we can only resist temptation through the power of the Holy Spirit and by building a community around us to support this goal. We also need to consider what fruit tempting things might bear.

(18:10) Rakhi says we need to support our children in guarding their minds and help them recognize what a message from Christ looks like – that it doesn’t condemn, it convicts. 

(18:59) Nicole says if we really want to be clothed in Christ we have to be open to receiving that invitation, even if we don’t want to face it. 

(22:00) Rakhi says that recognizing what needs to change is the first step and that we must give ourselves grace and pray for protection.

(23:08) Nicole says the challenge this week is for children to do the 52Sundays.com Liturgy Link activity of looking at what garment the priest is wearing and considering the connection to being clothed in Christ. Rakhi says to also share your wedding album with your kids.

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by the PIME Missionaries’ Sponsorships at a Distance Program. This school year, become a PIME Sponsor to give the gift of an education to a student in an isolated mission-country, and break the cycle of poverty for a child, youth, person living with disabilities, or seminarian. See how you can support a student in need at pimeusa.org/52sponsorships.